Chapter 34( coming out)

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Louis. What do you mean

Eve. We just wanna know did you sleep good

Louis. Ya fine why

Eve. Oh ok so it wasn't lou

Liam Walks out

Liam. Hey babe you coming

Louis. Ya in a second


Louis. Shit

Eve. What the fuck Lou

Louis. It's not what you think

Eve. What that you and liam deep snog last night

Louis. Ok it is what you think

Eve. Louis what is going on here

Louis. Nothing

Bell. Louis tell us were your sisters 

Louis. Fine look bell, eve, I'm Bi

Eve. Ok so when were you going to tell us

Louis. I dont know

Eve. How long have you been bi for

Louis. I knew I was 2 years ago

Eve. So after you and gemma were together

Bell. And you and liam how long

Louis. A month

Eve. Are you kidding me lou

Louis. Look I'm sorry

Eve. Its not that I dont support you guys its I'm scared when people find out  something bad will happen and I'll lose you

Louis. You wont

Eve. How do you know

Louis.  I Just do

Harry. Ok so your saying you had  a kid with my sister  then said I'm bi

Louis. Ya

Harry. Cool dude

Louis. Thanks

Liam. Ok so how did you guys guess or had a feeling about me and Louis

They look at each other

Zayn. We heard you guys last night

Liam. I told you they would hear you Louis

Louis. Sorry

Eve. Ok so simon, you guys going to tell him

Louis. No, who know's what he would do knowing me and liam are dating

Zayn. So your going to lie and act like friend who I dont know kiss and hold hands ya wont be to obvious if you do all that

Liam. Dude we can act like we're not  I mean we did with you guys for a month

Zayn. You have a point

Eve. Ok look sunset what about her

Louis. She needs someone else in her life other then just me

Bell. Wait what about gemma

Louis. Nope Gemma said it's my trun

Bell. Oh

Eve. Or is it the opposite with sunset needing someone else in her life, your scared arnt you

Louis. About what

Eve. Having no one if something happens to sunset

Louis. What no

Eve looks at Louis

Louis. Ok fine that two but I do love liam

Eve. And I'm glade you do

Harry. Ok look we just need to keep this away from Simon

Eve. Look me, bell, harry, zayn, and naill will help you keep it a secret from Simon

Louis. Really

Eve. Yeah I mean you supported me and harry

Bell. And me and zayn

Louis. Thanks guys your the best

He hugs is sisters

Liam. So you guys dont mind I'm dating your brother

Eve. No we dont mind have you not been paying attention

Liam. No I'm pretty tired

Zayn. Wow no surprise there

Naill. Guys I need to tell you something

They look at Naill

Naill. I like....

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now