chapter 18( mom finds out)

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18 weeks later

Harry. Shit were going to be late

Harry well rushing because he needs to get to Louis so he doesn't miss the practice for there new song for the premier

At zayns

Bell. Get up zayn you dont want to be late to the premier

Zayn. I'm up, I'm up

He says well still laying in bed

Bell. Dosent look like it, dont make me step one foot in your room

Zayn snores

Bell. Ok here we go

Bell walks in and pulls the covers from under zayn and he falls on the ground

Zayn. Oww

Bell. I told you to get up

Zayn. Well now I'm up

Bell. Ya because I made you get up, now get ready

Zayn. Fine

Zayn and bell get ready

At Harry's

Harry Goes and checks on Eve

Harry. I cant let her stay here, but she did have a ruf shift last, I still Better get her up

Harry walks in and gets eve up

At Louis

Louis. Fainly you guys made it

Harry. Sorry I was losing my mind, we brought stella is that fine

Louis. Ya I mean she is eves dog to

Zayn. So when does the premier start

Louis. Soon we still have guest coming in a few

Zayn. Oh

Bell. So eve how was your first day at work

Eve. Terrible I got no sleep last night

Louis. Well why get a night job

Eve. They never said it was a night job

Louis. Oh then quiet

Eve. I cant I need to pay harry for letting me stay there

Harry. You dont have to

Eve. Yes I do, just because your my boyfriend doesn't mean you can let me get away with not paying you

Harry. Please you dont have to I promise

Eve. But I want to

Harry. Eve

Eve. Fine

Harry. Thank you

Louis. Oh good the boys are here

Liam. Hey so why do they want us to do a premier for our love concert

Louis. Because they said it would bring the fans into buying tickets to come

Liam. Oh but if they are fans why would they not know we're doing a concert

Louis. I dont know not my idea

Liam. Oh

A few minutes later, eve, harry, naill, liam, are all talking and zayn is talking to his baby

With harry, eve, and the two boys

Eve. So bell and zayn are doing a gender reveal so me and harry are going to know what it is but need help setting up the party it's going to be in a few weeks, at lest when we know

Liam. Ok we can help you guys with that

Eve. Thanks

With zayn and bell

Zayn. Hi little one

Zayn talks to the baby

Someone walks through the door hey Louis I'm here.... wait a minute why is this boy have is hands on my daughter stomach

Bell. Uh oh my gosh bell your pregnant

Bell. Ummm.... ya this is unacceptable, your two young

Bell. Mom I'm 19 going to be 20 in a few months it doesn't matter, Louis how could you let her get pregnant

Louis. I really didn't know till she was like 2 weeks that's seem to have been a while ago

Louis. Well I guess but mom I mean she is 19 almost 20 anyd besides you had me at 18 then the girls at 24 so I wouldn't be talking you dont speak to me that way

Louis. Well, I did look and how old is this boy

Zayn. Maim I'm not two fair off from bell that doesn't help

Zayn. Ok fine 21 21

Bell. Mom that's not bad I am going to be 20 I just cant believe this

Eve. Mom why make a big deal of it and blame Louis he cant help she got pregnant oh stay out of it this is mine and bells conversation, but I'm surprised your not pregnant with the way you dress

Eve. What look bell I just have no words

Bell. Mom just accepted that me and eve are not always going to be your babys and listen to you were old enough to make up are minds not in my book

Louis. Guys can we please stop arguing like this sunset is upstairs in her room wich is the guest room and I dont want her hearing all this oh lou look at you trying to be a good dad, well it's too late isn't it you warrant there for her when she was born so dont tell us to stop

Louis. Mom please no look lou.....

They hear screaming, they all stop arguing, eve runs upstairs because she was the first one to get up and run

Eve. Louis we have a problem, with sunset

Louis. What is she ok

Eve. You'll have to see

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora