Chapter 53 ( bell again)

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Zayn. I better call someone

Zayn calls Louis, harry, and eve

A few minutes later

Harry. Here

Zayn. Grate, wait wheres Louis

Harry. Coming in

Louis. Here so what's wrong with bell

Zayn. He seems happy

Harry looks at zayn

Zayn. Oh

Eve. Sorry fay is fussy

Zayn. I can take her and put her with Iris and Presley

Eve. Thanks

Harry. She looks dead

Louis. Dont say that

Louis slaps him

Zayn. What dont say that

Zayn hipper velating and on the ground

Louis. See what you did by saying that

Harry. Sorry

Eve. She looks sick

Zayn. Well she has been waking up a lot lately

Eve. Mhm lets just call a nurse that can look at her here

Zayn. Why

Eve. Because shes sleeping

Eve graps water and dump it on her

Bell. What was that for

Eve. You were on the floor pasted out

Zayn. Bell your not dead

Bell. Why would I be

Louis. Because some one put it in his head

He says well looking at harry

Bell gets up and smakes harry on the back of his head

Harry. Oww In my defense you did look dead

Eve. The nurse is here

Bell. Nurse no I dont need one

Nurse. Yes you do no one just passes out like that out of knoe were, now sweetie come with me

Harry. What do you think is wrong with bell

Louis. I have no clue

Eve. Ofcourse you dont

A few minutes later

Nurse. Wich one is zayn

They all point to zayn but zayn points to harry

Eve. This one is zayn

Zayn. Ha ya that's me

Nurse. Good well, we have news

Zayn. What Is it

Nurse. Your whatever you wanna call her is 7 months pregnant

Zayn. What, oh boy this wasn't supposed to happen

Harry. Did you use anything

Zayn. No I didn't have any

Harry. Oh that explains it, but why aren't they supposed to be in your room

Zayn. We were on tour

Harry. Oh, you did bring any

Eve. Boys

Zayn. Sorry

Harry. That's just crazy zayn

Zayn. Shut up harry

Nurse. Well and also your girlfriend or whatever can tell you what the gender Is, so see ya

Louis. Look you two scared the nurse away with your conviction

Bell. I dont think that's why she left

Eve. Well it could have been

Bell. Anways zayn were haveing a boy

Zayn. Yes more men in the house

Bell. Knew you would be excited

Louis. Well I need to go to the bathroom be right back

Louis phone rings

Zayn. Answer it

Harry. No

Eve. Oh give me it

Eve answers the phone

Unknown caller. Hey Louis sense you seem to be doing better with the hole Liam thing I think we should brake up sorry

They all look at each other

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