chapter 33 ( fans angry)

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Zayn. What's the problem

Louis. Well the fans well... are angry

Zayn. Why

Louis. Because of the hole engagement and the baby thing with eve and harry

Zayn. Well at lest they dont hate me and bell

Louis. No they do, now that they know  you have two kids and are getting married

Zayn. Fuck

Louis. But the good nows is 57% of the fans are happy for you guys and are trying to tell the other half to stop and just  not be jealous

Eve. I mean that's not to bad, but what are we going to do

Louis. Simon doesn't know but what ever you do dont go on social media

Naill. What theres nothing ba.... whao, you know what font go on social media

Liam. Ya eve, harry trust us

Harry. We do, promise we won't go on social media

That night

Harry. So what do they say

Eve. Lots of different things

Harry. Like what

He looks at the post and comments

Harry.  Look at this one "shes not even that pretty"

Eve.  Wow

Harry. Look this one is about zayn and bell

Eve. Let me read it " zayn, why would you have kids with her"

Eve. Man who knew they could be so jealous

Harry. I know

Eve. But at least there is some comments supporting and defending us

Harry. Ya

Eve. Hey all that matters is that we're happy and so are bell and zayn

Harry. Ya your right

They go to bed

the next day

Harry. Who is playing that music

Eve. Its Naill, get up

He gets up and everyone is sitting on the couch 

Harry walks over to the speaker

Harry. Naill how do you trun this off

Naill. It's not for turning off it's for turning on

Harry  Looks at Naill than turns it off

Naill. Hey

Harry. Were not listening to this

Naill. Ugh fine

Liam. So we should make it to new York  by tomorrow morning  or night idk some point tomorrow

Bell.  Ok thanks for telling me

Liam. Yep

They are all sitting on the couch in the tour bus

Liam. Hey loius come look at this

Louis walks over and sits down next to liam to wach the video

Louis. Ok that's good

Liam. I know

Later that night

Eve. Hey harry do you hear that

Harry. Here what

Eve. Listen

He listens

Harry. Oh my is that bell and zayn

Eve. I hope not let's go see

As they get up the bump into zayn and bell

Bell. Wait what are you guys doing

Harry. We  heard a noise and thought it was you and zayn

Zayn. Well we thought it was you and eve

Harry.  Ok so if its not you and bell

Zayn.  Or you and eve then who is it

Harry. I dont know

In the  morning

Louis  walks out of his room in the bus and sees bell, eve, zayn, harry, naill all looking at him

Eve. How did you sleep

Louis looks shocked

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