Chapter 40 ( what do you mean)

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Eve. What Is it you want to tell me

Shawn. I can't marry my girlfriend

Eve. Why

Shawn. Because I realize I dont love her

Eve. And when did you realize this

Shawn. A few weeks ago then I saw the person I truly love

Eve. Oh and why come to me about this

Shawn. Because I love you

Eve. Shawn... look I have someone and even if I didn't  I would never date you sorry

Eve opens the door and walks inside

Harry. Who was it

Eve.  no one important

Harry. Ok

Louis. Eve, bell we got a problem

Eve. What could possibly be the problem

Louis. Let's just say dad is coming

Bell. So dad is not bad he love me

Eve. Ya but hes not to found of me

Louis. And he doesn't know about liam and I dont want him finding out

Eve.  Oh I see your point

Bell. Well eve he shouldn't get mad at you as long as you told him that your pregnant and is getting married

Eve looks at bell

Bell. You didn't tell him

Eve. I was going to but I forgot

Bell. You forgot

Eve. Ok no I just didn't want to tell him

Bell. Why

Eve. Because he would just flip

Bell. He doesn't hate you that bad

Eve. Oh really he is the one who set me up with ross

Bell. What he set you up

Eve. Umm ya

Louis. Ok so looks like were doing this together

Eve. Yep

Bell. Oh come on guys you should just tell him

Eve. No

A few hours later

Eve. Hey sunset what you doing

Sunset. Playing doll

Eve. Cool, so your dad and liam are going out and I'm watching you is that ok

Sunset.  Ok that's fine, you wanna play

Eve. Sure

Eve sits on the floor next to sunset

Sunset. Here you can have this one

Eve. Ok

A few minutes later

Harry peck this head threw the door

Eve. Ok that's not fair

Sunset. Were playing no rules

Eve. What

Sunset. Yep

Harry close the bedroom door

A hour later

Sunset runs to the bathroom

Eve. Sunset dear you ok

Theres no answer

Eve. Sunset

Eve walks in and sees sunset on the floor

Eve. Sunset

She puts her head on her lap

Eve. Sunset come on wake up

Eve starts to tear up

Eve. Sunset, HARRY


Eve graps on to sunset


Harry comes running in

Harry. What's wrong...

Eve. She wont wake up

Harry. We need to go to the hospital

Harry calls 911

Harry. There be here soon, I will call Louis

At the hospital

Louis. Weres sunset

Doctor. In the room

Louis. Thank you

Louis walks to the door

Doctor. You can't go in there

Louis. That's my daughter in there

The doctor hold Louis back

Louis. SUNSET, let me see her

Harry. Louis eve is in there it's ok

A few minutes later

Eve comes out crying and walks  to harry

Harry. So

Louis stand up

Harry. Is she ok

Eve looks at them and then hugs harry and crys

Louis. What no, sunset

Louis runs into the room

Louis. Sunset daddy's here I'm here babygirl

Louis sits by the bed and holds her hand

The Doctors looks at Louis

Louis. Tell me it's not true

The look at him

Louis. Tell me it's not please

Doctor. We cant, we are so sorry

Louis. No Sunset, no

Louis crys

They all huddled by sunset and Louis

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