chapter 56 ( is bell ok)

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At the hospital

Doctor. You guys will be fine here's the ice packs

Eve. Thanks

Zayn. Wait what about bell, is she ok

Doctor. Well bell is in a coma

Zayn. What, for how long

Doctor. Hard to say could be weeks or close to a year, let's just say it could possibly be a few months

Zayn. Oh

Doctor. Can I ask how did this happen

Zayn. Well you see

Eve. I thought it would be funny to rig the car for a prank

Doctor. That is varry unsafe I'm going have to call the cops

Eve. I understand

Zayn. Why did you do that

Eve. Because with bell In a coma your kids are going to need you and you can get arrested for speeding

Zayn. But you can for what you said

Eve. I know, it's not like I've never been

Zayn. What

Eve. It doesn't matter

Zayn. Yes it dose

Eve. What

Zayn. Hey wait she was covering for me because I have kids and there mom Is the one in the coma and she didn't want the kids to not have there father with them

Doctor. Is this true

Eve. Ya

Doctor. Wow ok I will just tell the cops to not come

Zayn. Thank you

Doctor. Anytime

Zayn. Thanks for trying to cover for me

Eve. Anytime your my sister soon to be husband so I guess I better be nice

Zayn. Ha come here

Zayn and eve hug

With Naill and Louis

Naill and Louis walk in

Liam. Whoa Louis what happened

Louis. Oh I sprang my leg but I'm fine

Liam. Oh that's good, I guess

Naill. Hey Ashton

Ashton. Hey

Naill sees luke

Luke. Hey

Naill. Dont hey me

Ashton. Naill dont be rude

Naill. Dont be rude we brake up then you got in another relationship then had him come to be here for are kid

Ashton. Well you seemed not care

Naill. Ofcourse you would think that you know what I cant, are daughter can live without me because I'm done with you and love

Naill storms out

Luke. I cant believe he would leave Cassidy

Ashton. I know but he as all the right to be mad

Louis. Well I better go get Naill

Liam. Ya you better, hey but you will come visit parker

Louis. Ya

Louis puts his hand up for bye

With the others in bells room

Harry. Zayn were so sorry

Zayn. It's fine, it's not your fault I should have slowed down

Zayn walks over and holds bells hand he starts to crying and talk to bell

Zayn. Bell im.. I'm so sorry and I wish I could go back in time and fixs this and change what I did, and if you can hear me I will do what ever it take to take care of the kids and that I love you with all my heart

Zayn starts to ball

Eve puts her head on harry and crys

At Naills

Naill. Fuck love, fuck Ashton, fuck life

Naill says as he throws stuff all over and takes a sip of alcohol And starts to cry

At zayns moms

Harry. Go on tell them

Presley. Weres mom

Zayn. Well you see your mom....

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now