Chapter 22( I wish)

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Note. On the song wait to play it till a a certain part of the story will tell you when to play it. Then scroll done after playing it so you have tha idea of what's going on or you can play it in the background on a other device

Harry. Eve your ok

Eve. I guess so

Harry. I wont let it ever happen again

Eve. I know


harry kisss  her on the cheek then hugs her again

Louis and the boys come running in

Louis. Oh my gosh eve

Louis hugs her with a tite squeeze

Eve. Lou cant breathe ( she says gasping for air)

Louis. Sorry

Zayn. Bell will be so happy to know your ok

Eve. I need to go see her

Eve gets out of bed

Doctor. Waho sweetheart you need to stay in bed

Eve. Why I'm ok

Doctor. We know but we need you to stay here for just a few more minutes

Eve. Oh ok

A few minutes later

Doctor. Ok well I think your good to go

Eve. Thank you

Doctor. Hey you her boyfriend

Harry. Ya

Doctor. Ok we need to talk

Harry. Ok

At Harry's

Eve. Hey harry what do you think zayn wants us to go over he wants to talk to us and then I thought we can go out for dinner

Harry. Ya sounds good

Eve. If this is about dinner I'll pay

Harry. No it's not that

Eve. Ugh harry I told you I'm fine they found Ross and he is not getting out of jail for a while

Harry . I know, it's just I wish that...

Eve. That you could have know before and not of set of the bomb

Harry. Ya

Eve. Look dont warry about I'm going to head to Louis and get some money, but before I go I got something for you

Eve runs to her suit case

Harry. What is it

Eve. The song I have been working on I finished it and I want you to listen to it, well I will be back love you

She kisss  him on the cheek then heads out the door to Louis

Harry looks at the cd then puts it in

(read this then play the song and think back to this part)
Harry listen to the song and thinks back to all the good times with eve when she would look at him in the eyes, and would always talk to him and smile even when it was a hard time, then to there first snog on the roof with the firework and the moon

He starts to cry

Eve comes back and hugs him. They sit on the couch for a while and look at each other

Harry. That is a beautiful song

Eve. Thanks and I wrote it just for you because I do love you and you dont need to wish for all that stuff because if it never happened we would have never released just how much we really do love and need each other in are lifes

Harry. I guess you right

Eve. I know I am

Harry does a little laugh

Harry. Well shell we go see what zayn need this time

Eve. There the harry I love and know

They get ready and go to zayns

At zayns

Zayn. Grate your here I need your guys help with something for bell

They walk into zayns house

Eve. So what is it you want to get bell

Zayn. This

He shows them a pick

Eve and harry are surprized

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now