chapter 16 ( why lie)

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Harry. Are you kidding me Eve, technically it's my fault

A few hours later

Eve. Harry I'm back and I found a good job I have a interview in two weeks

Harry. Sweet

Eve. You ok

Harry. Ya fine

Eve. Sure

Harry. Ya

Eve. Ok well Louis texted me he had something to show us so bell, zayn, Louis are coming here but I told them to ask you

Harry. Ya that's fine

Eve. Ok I will let them know

Eve sits next to harry on the couch

Harry. Question how would you feel about a family

Eve. Umm.... idk it could be fun but Louis would kill us

Harry. Well hes going to anyways

Eve. What

Harry.  I know your pregnant why did you lie

Eve. Because I was scared if I told anyone it would be a disaster

Harry. Well not if you told me , I m going to be the dad of him or her

Eve. I know, it's just you know what happened with zayn when Louis  found out

Harry. Look how about  this  we keep it just between us

Eve. I would love that, thanks for making me feel better about this

Harry. Anytime

They hug

A few minutes later

Harry. I'll get it

Harry runs and gets the door

Harry. Hey bell, zayn

Bell. Hey so are you guys wondering what Louis wanted to show us

Harry. Ya I wondered what it is, do you think a dog

Zayn. No

Bell. Weres Eve

Harry. Changing

Bell. Oh

Harry. I will be back need to get the food

Zayn. Ok

They sit down

A few minutes later

Eve. Sorry I wasn't sure what to wear 

Bell. Its fine

Eve. Lou here yet

Bell. No

Eve. Oh

Bell. Is it just me or is it kinda weird that he all of a sudden wanted to see us

Eve. Ya

Harry. Maybe he is coming to see how eve is doing after the heart attack

Eve. Speaking of that what happened that night, I can't remember

Bell. You wouldn't take the pill

Eve. Oh seems like me

Harry. Oh I think Louis Is  here

Harry opens the door for Louis

Bell. Hey Louis

Louis. Hey guys, I want you to meet someone

Eve. Who

Louis. This is my daughter sunset

Sunset. Hi, wait uncle Harry

Harry. Hi sunset

Sunset. Harry

She hugs him

Eve. Aww how sweet

Sunset. Uncle harry is that your girlfriend

Harry. Ya why

Sunset. Because she is pretty

Harry. I know

Louis. Why dont you meet your auntie   bell

Sunset. Hi bell you have a pretty name

Bell. Thank you

Zayn. Hi am zayn

Sunset.  Who's he, he look like a donkey

Zayn. Well thank you

Sunset. Although your a pretty and nice donkey

Zayn. How sweet

Harry. So why is she with you

Louis. Long story let's just say something happened to her mom

Harry. What happened is my sister ok

Louis. She will be  fine kept her number so I can make sure

Harry. Ok

Louis. Hey can I use your bathroom

Harry. Ya go for it

Eve. Harry ( she whispers)

Harry. Ya ( he whispers back)

Eve. Did you take the test off the sink ( she whispers to him)

Harry. Umm... no  ( he whispers back)

They run to the bathroom door but Louis comes out holding the test

Louis. What is this

Eve sques Harry's hand

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now