Chapter sixs (sleepover)

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The next day

Louis. Hey girls wake up

Eve. I am up what do you want

Louis. We are going camping

Eve. I am not doing that, out in the woods in sleeping bags

Louis. Oh come on

Bell. Are we talking about that dum camping trip we always do, I hated that trip I'm not going

Louis. Come on girls

Eve. No louis I am not doing no camping trip

Louis. Oh came on please

Bell. No

The girls go back into there rooms

Louis. What am I going to do with them

Louis goes down stairs

Louis. Oh when did you boys get here

Harry. Just now

Louis. Oh well you guys ready to go camping

Harry. Camping you didn't tell me we were doing that

Zayn. Dude you know I hate that and besides I am not going I dont feel to good

Louis. Ok fine you dont have to go

Harry. Look Louis you need someone to wach Zayn so I am not going

Louis rolls his eyes

Louis. Fine you boys can stay, Bell and Eve are not going either

Harry. Oh

Louis. Well I am going to head out the ones who are going it's going to be a long ride so let's go

The rest of the boys leave to go camping

Harry. So what do we do

Zayn. Go get a snack

Harry. sounds like a plan

The boys go to the kitchen

Zayn. Harry lets cook pizza

Harry. Umm.. ok

Zayn. Can you cook

Harry. Ya

Zayn. Ok

The boys start cooking the pizza

A few minutes later


Harry. I CAN


They yell well Harry its hitting the smoke alarm and Zayn pulling the pizza out of the oven

Eve. What is going on here

Zayn. Pizza gone wrong

Bell. We can see that

Zayn. We didn't know you were home

Bell. We live here, why wouldn't we be here

Zayn. I dont know

Eve. Exactly

Harry. You know what we can do

Eve. What

Zayn. Oh let me guess party

Bell. That seem fun bit Louis would get mad

Harry. Not with other people just us we can all hang out

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