chapter 42 ( your not bi)

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Louis. Dad

Troy. Yes wait what is going on here

Louis. Nothing

Bell and eve come into the kitchen

Eve. Liam why do you and Louis look so scared, it's not like dad will find out about you two

Troy. What

Eve. Fuck

Louis. Ya you dont say

Troy. Wait Louis tell me your not I can't even say it

Louis. Dad

Troy. Oh no you are

Louis. Yes but look I love him

Troy. How can you love him hes a boy

Louis. So, love is defined, you cant defined love theres no meaning to love, love has no gender, no true description of love

Troy. Well love is definitely not with this... this dude

Louis. Look I'm not going to break up with him just because you dont except it because I do, and like it or not me and liam are haveing this baby

Eve, bell, harry, niall. BABY

Eve. Wich one is pregnant

Bell. How far along

Niall. When did you guys snog

They look at Niall

Niall. What  you guys are all asking questions

Eve. Not that tipe

Niall. Sorry

Louis.  Ok liams pregnant and hes  almost  2 months

Bell. Wow ok good to know

Harry.  This is grate news congrats man

Liam. Thanks

Louis. See dad everyone here supports us so why cant you

Troy. Because I feel like it's not right

Louis. Well to me it is so I don't care what you think of say because it's my life not yours

Troy. Wow you must really love him, to actually talk to me like this

Bell. He does

Eve. He has always been there for Liam

Harry. And liam is there for him even in the darkest time

Troy. Well, ugh this is going to kill me but I say you and liam can be together and I guess I will appreciate that your bi

Louis. Are you serious

Troy. Yes

Louis. Thanks dad I knew you would understand after a while, and a long long argument

They hug

Zayn. Hey bell look I'm sorry for not spending time with you

Bell. Its fine not a big deal

Eve. Wait I thought it was

Bell slaps eve on the arm

Eve. Oww

Bell. No it wasn't I'm just glade you knew how I was feeling

Eve. This to sweet

Harry. Yep

Simon. What's so sweet

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now