Chapter 59 (flashback chapter)

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Louis. Ok mat was eves ex he was a really nice guy I thought he was sweet and would take care of her let's start to when I first found out about there relationship  it was close to eves birthday and little did I know they were secretly dating kinda like you and eve were anways he came to my  well our house eve told me she had to tell me something....

( flashback)

Eve. Hey Louis I got something to tell you

Louis. Ya what is it

Eve. I want you to meet my boyfriend mat

Louis. Wait you and mat are dating

Eve. Ya

Louis. Well that's grate I'm happy for you

Eve. Thanks

Mat. And I was thinking  I could take your sister to the school graduation party

Louis. Sure

Mat. Thanks dude

Louis. No problem

Eve. I guess he dose like you

Mat. Ya and that's a good thing

The night of the graduation

Eve. Well you finally made it and look good

Mat. Well you look gorgeous

Eve. I know you don't need to tell me

Mat. Ofcourse I don't hop in

At the party

Eve. Hey I'll be back I going to get us some drinks

Mat. K

( back to present)

Louis. But little did eve know that mat was hiding something

Harry. Like what

Louis. Well....

( flashback)

Zack. Hey mat weres your hot chick at

Mat. Getting us drinks why does it matter to you

Zack.  Well I'm still shocked a girl like that would date you

Mat. Well she is

Zack. You think your so special

Mat. What no

Zack. Oh please 

Zack's minions pushed mat into the table

Zack. That's what I thought 


Zack and his minions run

Eve. Mat you ok

Mat. I'm fine

Eve. Ok that's good

( back to present)

Louis. After the party eve comes home and  she tells me about  how this guy  named zack who   just pushed mat into the tables, but now it's the day of eves birthday it was the most exciting day of her life but not because it was her birthday but because  mat had something  planned

( flashback)

Mat. Hey cupcake wake up

Eve. Mat what are you doing here

Mat. Louis  let me in, to see if you were up, now get ready it's your big day

Eve. I know I have a outfit just wait outside

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