Chapter seven (secrets)

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Louis. Shit were is Eve

At Harry's house

Eve. Ok just knock on the door

Eve knocks on the door

Harry. Who is it, Eve

Eve. We need to talk

Harry. Well not out here come inside its storming out

Eve walks into Harry's house

Eve. Harry I'm sorry

Harry. For what

Eve. The hole you know  and getting really drunk, I didn't think anything would happen

Harry. It's not your fault, I could have not joined in but I did

Eve. I just dont know what to do Louis is pissed at me

Harry. It's ok I m here for you

Eve. Thanks your the best

They hug

Harry. But did you mean what you said about liking me

Eve. Ya, what about you

Harry. I cant tell you a lie so yes

Eve smiles, They continue to hug

At Louis in Bells room

Bell. Zayn message me

" hey meet me tomorrow at the cafe"

"Ok will do, and also sorry"

" For what "

" for what happened earlier"

" don't worry about it" 

" ok well I will see you tomorrow"

Louis knock on Bells door

Louis. Hey bell were Eve

Bell. I dont know she probably wint to Jaydens

Louis. Maybe

Bell. Oh speaking of going friends tomorrow I need to meet one of mine, Meg

Louis. Ok that's fine

A few weeks later

Eve. Ok Harry you suck at rollerblading

Harry. I know

Eve. Oh thanks for the icecream too

Harry. Anything for my princess

Eve. Aww your cute, but it's still cringey

Harry. I know

With Bell

Bell. Ok Zayn what did you bring me here for

Zayn. To celebrate how much I love you

Bell. Ok

Zayn. Look I love you

Bell. I love you too

Zayn. And you know what I am good at

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now