Chapter 48( baby)

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Harry. Oh no, umm... Louis give me your keys now

Louis. Why

Harry looks at Louis

Louis. Oh umm here take them meet you there

Louis  tosses the keys to harry

Harry. Thanks

Harry picks up eve and goes to the car

At the hospital

A few hours later

Niall. Were here

Harry. Finally

Louis. Is eve still In there

Harry. Yep

Jay. Harry, weres my daughter

Harry. In the room

Jay. Ok thank you

Doctor. Is Harry Edward Styles, still here

Harry.  yep

Doctor. Would you like to come in

Harry. Yes

Harry walks in

Harry. Is that her

Eve. Yep

Harry. What's her name

Eve. I thought you could name her

Harry. Ok how about Fay ella Styles

Eve. Its beautiful 

Louis. Aww she's so cute

Bell. I'm so happy for you guys

Niall. Dose anyone have a hanky

Liam. Here dude

Niall. Thanks

Jay. Eve

Eve. Mom what are you doing here

Jay. Well I ummm..

Eve. Mom

Jay. Look I saw you guys arguing and I came right away to take you home with me

Eve. What, how do you know all this

Jay. I have friends

Bell. Who are your friend

Jay. You wont know them, but I said if you get In a argument with harry you come home, and you did aswell he is here to see his child just like you wanted, so when you get back to the hotel pack your stuff and go to the Airport because were leaving

Eve. What

Harry. Jay you cant do that

Jay. I can she is my daughter

Harry. Well she has my daughter and she is my fiance

Jay. Who cares you can see her whenever you get back, well see you guys later

At the hotel 

Harry. Your really going

Eve. I have no choice harry

Harry. How your 20 your a adult

Eve. I know

Harry. So how do you have no choice

Eve. Because  I told my mom that when I have a child I will live with her for a month, but I didn't think she still remembers it, I said it when I was like 15

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant