chapter 45( Eve)

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Zayn. Well let's go

They leave

With bell, eve, and liam

Bell. You doing ok at lest they said your fine

Eve. Ya, the stress just really got to me and I had to leave that party

Liam. So what are you going to do

Eve. I don't know they told me to not get stressed

Bell. Well how can you not

Eve. I dont know, the doctors called mom and mom said she wants me to stay with her but I cant i don't want to leave harry

Bell. I know you dont but you need to do what's best

Eve. That's the thing it's not the best idea

The boys find them

Harry. Eve are you ok

Eve. Ya, just peachy

Harry. Why are you so mad

Eve. Because you got drunk then kissed Louis

Louis. What

Harry. I did

Eve. Ya, look my mon called and wants me to go live with her

Harry. Are you going to

Eve. I dont know look I'm almost 3 months and I want to be here with you but the stress will not just put the baby at risk but me

Harry. Look it was a mistake I didn't mean to get drunk

Eve. I know , I just don't know what to do

Bell. She doesn't want to leave you

Eve. But if I stay you would have to stop drinking

Harry. Ok, I can't Lose you or the baby

Eve. And I don't want to lose you

Zayn. Bell you still mad

Bell. No

Zayn. Really

Bell. No

Bell walks away with the kids

Zayn. I'm going to have a fun day

Louis. Look liam I'm sorry

Liam. I know, but I need to ask you something did you enjoy that kiss last  night

Louis. No

Liam. Ok

A few hours  later

Jay. Eve sweetheart are you ok

Eve. Mom how did you get here so fast

Jay. I had a fast pass on the plane

Eve. Oh

Jay. Do you have your stuff packed

Eve. No

Jay. Why

Harry. Because shes staying

Jay. What eve you almost died because he was drunk

Harry. What you almost died

Eve. Uh

Harry. I almost lost you because of  my drinking last night

Eve. I'm fine now so it's ok

Harry. No it's not I could have lost you because of my actions

Jay. Ya because of you I could have lost my baby

Harry. Sorry

Jay. Look eve your coming home with me

Eve. No I'm not mom it was a mistake, it won't happen  again

Jay. How do you know

Eve. Because harry wouldn't put mine or the babys life at risk

Jay. Well he did

Eve. Not on perpus

Jay. Still your coming home

Eve. Mom no I'm not because when this baby comes harry is going going to be at the hospital waiting,

Jay. How do you know he will even bother to show up

Eve. Because he loves me and you know it

Jay. Ugh fine but if you get stressed one more time. Your coming to live with me. Deal

Eve looks at harry and the others

Eve. Deal

Jay. Then its settled

Jay leaves

Harry. I promise no more drinking

Eve. I know you do

Bell. Zayn

Zayn. Ya

Bell. You know we have kids you should stop drinking or me and your kids are going with my mom

Zayn. What

Bell. You head me

Zayn. Ok fine

Bell. And that how you do it

They all go back to the hotel 

Harry. Ok but I do remember last night this shawn guy who  is he

Louis. A really old Frend

Bell. You know what was weird he was watching us all night

Liam. I noticed that

Niall. I saw him he was looking at harry in a weird way then he looks at zayn

Eve. Well he was probably drunk

Harry. Ya

Outside the window

Shawn. Hey is this the news I got the information you wanted on pop star bell, eve, and you wont believe who elsa, one direction.

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant