Chapter 63( K-I-S-S )

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The next day

With Cameron and willow

Cameron. Ok does it look real to you

Willow. I guess, but I feel a little weird having these on my neck

Cameron. I know but you would one day

Willow. I know but from you even if there fake

Cameron. I know look I  just can tell my mom, if my dad found out he would beat me

Willow. Zayn

Cameron. No joe

Willow. Oh

Eve walks in

Eve. Ok so were all going on the hike that is on the island were stopping at for  the day

Cameron. Ya seems nice

Eve. Umm willow what is on your neck

Willow. Nothing 

Eve  Moves willows hair

Eve. Cameron when I said look like your in a relationship I didn't mean this

Cameron. It's not real just make up

Eve. What were did you get make up

Cameron. Your room

Eve. What... ok whatever  just let hope no one sees it

Bell. Sees what

Cameron. Oh nothing

Bell. Cam I'm not playing any games

Cameron. I'm not either

Bell. What is that on your arm

Bell graps Cameron arm

Bell. You got a tattoo how you need a need to be 20 or older unless some one who is 20  or older lets you in

Eve. Wait you didn't knew about the tattoo

Bell. No why

Eve. Because he said you did so I took him

Bell. You what are you sierse eve

Eve. He said you knew

Bell. Well I didn't

Zayn. Wait are his naills panted

Bell. Yes, why

Eve. We got them done

Bell. Why

Eve. For fun

Bell. I can't believe this you did all this with my son

Cameron. Mom I ask her to

Bell. It's ok

Bell takes a deep breath

Bell. I'm not mad

Cameron. Really

Bell nods

Cameron. Awesomely  hey willow let's go find Blake

Willow and cam leave

Zayn. Wow you took that good

Bell. I know

Bell walks by eve

Bell. Next time please double check

Eve. Ya got it

2 hours before the end of the cruise

Blake. Hey cam can you tell your parents I said thanks for having me come

Cameron. Ya, we didn't mind inventing you

Blake. Well that a good thing

Eve walks from around the corner but she backs up to wach

Harry. What are we doing

Eve. Shhhhh, look

Harry. Oh

Blake. Ok I need to get this off my chest  Cameron I like you

Cameron. Really

Blake. Ya dude your cool, you have nice style

Cameron. Wow umm I dont know what to say

Blake. Really, no I like you or no let's date

Cameron. Well there is something 

Cameron lends in and kisss Blake

Cameron. Sorry I didn't mean to

Blake kiss him

They kiss for a few minutes 

Blake. Hey take my number call me

Cameron. Ya

Blake leaves

Cameron goes over to were eve and harry are

Eve. Nice

Cameron. I cant believe it he actually kissed me back

Eve.  Well you got a chram I guess

Eve. You know your going to have to tell them about this at some point

Cameron. I know, and I will at some point

Eve. Ok

Cameron. Well better find mom and zayn let's just hope they  dont find out about   the kiss

Eve. Ya for  now

Cameron leaves

Harry.  So you ready

Eve. Ya let's go

At home

Eve. Good to be back

Harry.  Yep

With Cameron that night

Cameron texts blake

" hey you wanna hang out tomorrow"


With Blake

Zack. Hey who's texting you

Blake. Just a friend 

Zack. Ok

Blake. I'm going to hang out tomorrow with him is that ok

Zack. Ya, I can bring you

Blake. Thanks uncle

Zack. Yep

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