Preface Book 1

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It all started when I first met him when I was 18 years old, I just finished college with my master degree of an entrepreneur; basically running my own business of whatever I want. I had a few degrees up my sleeves but that's the one I say to people.
As I was working in my coffee shop for the moment, when he came in and ordered his original: triple shot espresso with whip cream and a cream filling glaze donut. His order came to $15 and he left me a $5 tip each time he ordered his meal.
He would come in at least 2x a day 5x a week. And each time he would come in, it was the same each time. He would flirt, joke with me about everything. And yes, I would take his flirts, what woman wouldn't right? He was a cute young man, built very tough like he used to do football in high school or college or even do that now. But then I thought about it, they say he eats these donuts there's no way he's a NFL player. But I never asked.
About a few months after I had opened my shop, he came in at the same time. But by the 5th month of me being open, he came to me and handed me his card and told him to call him.
When I looked at the card, it had said Jefferson Enterprise. So he was a business man. Which he made that moolah, that green, that money. But if he worked there, why was he coming here and talking to me for.
Mark was a cool collective guy. Made sure that I was making my money for the day when told him I had a goal to have at least $50 a day. When I didn't, he would put a ball of money in my tip jar. Which would bring a huge smile to my face.
I was falling for him, for what he was doing. What man would do such a thing like this for a gal like me unless they liked the person.
After 7 months down, two months in of us talking, we finally went on a date. He gave me a black card and told me to find a nice dress for our date and do what I got to do on him.
After about 10 dates, we made it official. We did everything together as a couple. When we were off, we hiked, camping, fished, went on so many dates to restaurants that I've never been to, because of the price or never heard of them.
About a year of us dating, he was made CEO of the company he worked at and later on I found out that his name was Mark Jefferson. His father owned the company and passed it down to him.
Two years of us dating, we finally kinda moved in together. He bought me a house and since he travels for work a lot, he put it in my name. And I loved it how he done all this for me.
Until one night, we went to a work banquet dinner. I wore a nice off the shoulder silver dress with black heels. He had a limo ready to pick me up at home while he was at work. When I got there, I went to find him in his office. When I found him, he was all over a woman kissing on her. When he saw me, I walked away and he ran after me. He told me it was his sister. So I was okay with it.
While during the dinner thing, he didn't sit with me or love on me. He sat with his family, which I thought okay that's fine until I heard someone yell out daddy. When I looked I saw two kids come running towards him and his sister. But instead of saying aunt, they said mommy. I was shocked, speechless.
I looked at the woman that was sitting next to me, she was his secretary and when I asked who they were she said that was his family. His wife and kids. I started to tear up a little bit.
It was bad enough I was feeling weird for the past few weeks to a month. But I thought it was just my allergies acting crazy. But right now, I just wanted to leave and crawl into bed and cry. So I got up, moved my chair back knocking it back on the floor, making Mark and his family look at me.
He stood up and went to come after me but I took off running. All I heard was him yelling my name.

"Carrie, stop. What's wrong?"
"You have a family. Wife, kids. You said that was your sister how could you." I yelled at him.

How bad I was yelling at him, his family came outside watching us. When I seen they were looking at us, I lost it.

"Mark, I want you out of my house and never ever reach me ever again. Don't come to my coffee shop anymore. We're done, over." I said as I reached my limo.

I saw his sister, wife whatever she was, yelling at him. I felt bad about how this went but I had to do what I had to do.
I wanted to leave this place forever. I wanted to start all over and began again. I had to leave this place, because this was a huge problem with us, because everywhere I got I see him. My shop, my house, the stores.
But that didn't stop when his wife showed up at my shop wanting to talk to me at my house. So I agreed to have her come to my house after I get off work.
After work, we met at my house and we talked. I told her I was sorry and didn't know. And she was the same way with me. That he told her he was very sorry and wanted to try again with them. He said he felt off with her like they lost their love but after she brought up divorce he lost it. He said he didn't want that for the kids.
I told her it would be best for the kids but didn't want nothing to do with him. And that I was going to file for a restraining order on him. She said that would be fine.
About a month later, I had found a house that was a few states away and it was close to a lot of stores that were for sale.
After I got my apartment that I was renting, I got a store that was close that was cheap and got it. Once it was done, it was time to pack up and leave. I had to do what was good for myself.
After a few months after settling in, I was getting sick and I was late. I was worried about my health so I had went to the doctors. They did everything test they could only me to see what was wrong with me. A few days later, I get a call to come back, so I did. When I came back, the doctor told me I was pregnant.
I started to freak out a little bit because only person I've ever had sex with was Mark. My life was a totally hell and I didn't know what to do. What should I do? I had a million things going through my head right now. A lot of questions, should I tell him? Should I get rid of it? Should I keep it and not tell him? Should I keep it and tell him? Should I get rid of it and not tell him?
I was lost for the moment.....

So here's a little short preface of what this story is going to be like. Just hope everyone will like this short story. Its a little out of my style but I wanted to try something different out of what I do.
Comment to tell me what you think of it....

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