chapter 16

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After a few days of us kissing, that's how long it has been and I don't know what to do now. He kissed me first, I kissed him back second. We haven't spoken since and the past few days when we see each other, we stare for a moment then I run off (walk away) into another direction.
A week has passed since the kissed and I thought things were getting back to normal. Well I lied, it didn't.
One day after they got out of school, Carlie went out with some friends, Chris went to see his new girl friend, that he's been dating for about a few weeks now, and Cynthia went to the shops. It was me and my lonesome self at the house until Joey had came over.
I walked downstairs in short shorts and a crop top, just got done taking a cool shower, when Joey walked in the house.

"Hey," he said as he closed the door.
"Hey," I said back then turned around to go back upstairs.
"Stop!" He called out. And of course I stopped and looked at him. "Can we talk please."
"About what?" I asked.
"Well the kiss for one and two us."
"What about it, Joey. We kissed, it was magical. It was a mistake, let's drop it." I said as I went to go back up to my room.

I heard him run up the stairs and grabbed my hand. Whipping me around to face him.

"No it wasn't. It wasn't a mistake Rosey. And you know it just as much as I do."
"What do you want me to say, Joey? That I like you, that I want to be with you?"
"Yes, because that's what I want as well." Joey had said shocking me in the process.
"What?" I asked dumb founded.

In this moment of time, everything was moving really slow. His beautiful eyes staring up at me. Those lips that I kissed a week ago, slightly open from talking to me, I just want to kiss again. Slide my tongue in there and full out makeout. The way his arms are buffed up a little from all the work outs he do in his free time for football, I just wanted him to pick me up off these stairs and take me into my room and make love to me.
No more hiding what I have been feeling or thinking since the kiss. I saw a life with him but he was my best friend and I didn't want to mess that up.

"Rose," he said waving his hand in front of my face.
"Did you hear what I said?"
"Umm, no. I spaced out for a moment."
"Well come downstairs and sit. Breath." He said as he walked me down to the living room.

He sat me on the love seat and faced me, holding my hands, rubbing his thumb on my hands. It actually felt good when he done that.
As I stared into those beautiful eyes again. It was like the sea was calling me, through his eyes though. It was breath taken and I just wanted to dive right in.

"Rose, speak." Joey said pulling me back to reality.
"Joey, its just." I started to say but stopped myself. I looked down at our hands. "Your my best friend. And my brothers best friend. And," god how many "ands" am I gonna say.
"And?" He asked.

God don't start it either. I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and began again.

"I don't want what we have, get out of hand. Get all messed up. I love you so much, that I can't get this out of hand. You've known me damn near my whole life. And what you done for me at the hospital and helping me get back on my own again. No one would have ever done that for me. No one Joey. And that's where I'm getting at, your the bestest friend, I could ever ask for. I just," I stopped again. Lost with words.
"How about this? We take it slow, because like you said. I've known you, your whole life and I've seen you at your worst with Jacob. I hated you with him, I wanted to beat the living crap out of him and still do to this day for what he's put you into." He said then moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and smiled. "I want to help you get your life back on track. I want you to be my forever girl. I've dated girls yes, but the whole time, I wanted you. Yes, your my best friend's little sister, but I've fallen for that girl. Her beautiful smile, when she smiles." As he said that, I smiled a little. "These beautiful eyes that shine so bright when she sees me. These cute little dimples that pop up when you smile. That cute weird giggle that you have, it just melts my heart away. Every man's dream, sitting in front of my eyes, and I don't want to let go of that. So please, just give us a chance and we'll go slow. Slow as you want as long as I get to call you my forever girl." He said as he leaned forward to kiss me again.

As he leaned into me to kiss me, I froze for a second then gave in. I let go of his hands and  slowly put my hand on the back of his neck to get more into the kiss. I slowly moved my other hand and put it through his hair to get my fingers lost in them.
In that moment, I knew I have fucked up, but also didn't care. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. And when he wanted me, he wanted me as his forever girl. The last girl that he wants for the rest of his life.
So in one point in time, I'll be his fiance, then his wife. Then maybe the mother of his children. His life partner, til the very last breath we take.
His forever girl!

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