chapter 15

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A few days being in the hospital and I was glad to be home. Home with my family. I had moved back with Cynthia and them so they can help and watch over me.
Joey, Chris, and Carlie went over to my house to grab my stuff. It was gonna be just the boys but I didn't want them going through my underwears so I asked Carlie to go for me. Cynthia and the doctors want me to rest at home for awhile.
And by that, no going to school for awhile. But there was only a month or two left. But Cynthia said that maybe it was a good thing that I took the rest of the school year off. Start off fresh and new for the next school year. Start off Senior year off with a bang.
God Senior year, I can't believe how much the past 3 years has past by. Me only being 15 about to be 16 end of this summer gonna be a Senior. Only if my mother could seen me now. Hope she would be happy for me. At least I've been trying to get where she wanted me to be but losing hope in the long run half the time.
As my 3 o'clock therapist came and talked about how I was feeling since I been back home. The few days that I was awake, laying it up at the hospital, the doctor had sent Hannah to talk to me. And since then, she's asked Cynthia and I that if she could swing by two times a week after work to speak with me. Before I could say anything, Cynthia had said yes.

"Rose, I brought you something." Hannah said as she sat down on the couch next to me.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Yes," she said as she reached into her bag and pulled it out. "I bought you a journal to write down your feelings or write down whatever you want at least once a day. Or if something happens, write it down." She said as she handed it to me. "Like; 'I'm feeling awesome since Hannah showed up today.' Or 'My step mother made my favorite dish tonight.' It doesn't matter what it is. And when I see you, I want to see it."
"Okay. What if its dark?" I asked.
"Write it down. I want to see how your feeling. I don't care what it is. If its love, about a certain boy, hate, loss, you name it."

I nodded at her and put it to the side.
About an hour we talked about everything since I've been home. How I was feeling, if I've gone back to the dark place again. I told her that I'm feeling okay. That it feels weird being back here, but its life. Its where home is right now.
She was happy for me. Before she had left, the guys came back with my stuff and when I saw Joey, something in me sparked. I started smiling a little and I was staring off to where he was going, Hannah cleared her throat and I looked back at her. I moved my hair behind my ear and tried to hind my smile.

"Is that him?" She asked me.
"Who?" I asked.
"The one that your smiling like crazy about. Is he the one that saved your life?" She asked.
"Joey, yeah. He saved me. He's like my best friend. I've known him I don't know forever now." I told her.
"Are y'all," she started to say and moved her hands together to cross her fingers together.
"Together?" I said. She nodded her hand. "No. No, were not. I don't think I see him like that. Like I said he's my best friend. He helped me after Jacob. Stayed with me to make sure I was good when I had my crashes. Even in the hospital." I told her.
"Ahh, well he's cute. Just be careful." She said then stood up.

As she walked out of the room, Joey came walking about out and Hannah had said something to him. And only reason I knew that was because he looked at me smiling.
I smiled back of course but didn't say anything. I left it alone. I know she's best for me and is looking out for me.
Later on that night, I took a hot shower then got ready for bed. But couldn't sleep like always. So I got out of bed and quietly walked down the stairs to the front room to get my journal that Hannah brought me. When I was in there, Joey was sitting by the fireplace just playing with the little flame that was going on.
I stood there, just to watch him, to see what he was doing. From where was standing here looked a little cute. I don't know maybe the light from the flames was hitting him just right or maybe what Hannah had said earlier. He does make me smile more since I've left Jacob for some reason. But all I saw him as was a big brother like Chris. Hell he was Chris's best friend like a brother to him. What would he say about the situation if he knew that his baby sister and best friend was talking talking/dating.
I couldn't think about that anymore. I walked over to the couch and got the journal and hurried up to get back upstairs. But when I turned around, I almost knocked over the lamp and it made a noise. Joey turned around and looked at me and smiled a little.

"Hey, your awake." He said.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. So I came back down here to get this." I said holding up the journal. "Hannah brought it to me earlier."
"Oh, that was nice of her." He had said.
"Yeah, something about writing down my feelings and such. That's my home work every night for her."
"Oh, well come here. Come sit with me." Joey said moving over a little.

I hesitated at first, then thought what the hell. So I walked over to him, with him watching me the whole time. He smiled when I sat down next to him.
The fire did feel nice, even tho it was warm out. But you know when you want to start a fire just to feel cozy or bad something on your mind you start one up.
When we were kids, we use to come down here just sit by the fire and feel like we were camping. Chris would play outside sounds to make it feel like we were outside in the dark. Carlie would get us set up with s'mores and Joey would cook em up for us.

"What you thinking?" He asked me.
I chuckled a little. "When we were kids. Well mostly me."
"What about it?"
"When us four would sit here by the fire and pretend we were camping and make s'mores." I told him.
"Yeah, that was fun. Do we even have any here?" He asked.
"I don't know. I haven't really looked around since I've been back."
"I'll go see. Stay here." He says as he gets up and goes into the kitchen.

I watched him leave and so badly wanted to get up and run upstairs to my room. But a part of me wants a s'mores now. I chuckled a little to myself.
About a few moments later he came back with a bowl with some goodies in it. I laughed when I saw what was in it.

"Found some."
"I see."
"Its not much but it'll do for now." Joey said as he took the fire poker and slide on a marshmallow on it.
"Good times." I said as I got a few crackers and some chocolate onto them.
"Yep. We're just missing a few people and the noises." Joey said as he looked over towards me.
"Yeah. But they probably asleep. Like we should be."
"Yeah, sleep is for the weak." He said chuckling a little.
"I guess I'm weak then. I was just in the hospital Joey."
"Rose, that's not what I meant."
"I know." I said as I pushed him a little.
"You little brat." He said as he pushed me back almost dropping the fire poker.

We started laughing when he caught the poker in time.
As the marshmallows was done, Joey brought it over towards me and I made two sandwiches one for me and one for him. As I  ate mine slowly, he ate his in one bite. I chuckled making him look at me smiling. I shook my head at him. As I finished mine, he went to make a few more. When he looked up at me, he use his thumb and whipped the chocolate off of my lip and licked his thumb. At first I was a little freaked but I was fine with it.
As the marshmallows were done, we made our sandwiches and was done. And once again when I got done, he whipped off the chocolate off of my lip, licking his thumb then looked back at me. He just kept staring at me. I smiled back at him.
I was about to get up with the stuff in my hands when I leaned forward to get up when he leaned forward as well and kissed me.
He laid out kissed me full on the lips. Not no peck either. When he leaned back, I stood there staring at him. Trying to think what just happened or what to do next.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Joey says as he looked away.
I dropped the stuff on the ground. "Joey?" I said.

He looked at me and when he did, I grabbed his face and kissed him again. It wasn't a peck on the lips either. It was full on lips, full on makeout mode. We was like that for about I don't know 5 minutes until I pulled away.
And when I did, I grabbed my journal and ran upstairs. I didn't say another word nor did he.

Well how was that.....
A cliffhanger or what...
Stay tune to what happens next.

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