Chapter 1

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I was a little girl who dreamt of big dreams of becoming what I want in life. I was only 7 years old. My parents always told me to dream big or don't dream at all, because I won't succeed in life. I always believe that.
So by the time I had finished grade schedule and went to high school, I joined every club that I could. I was a very smart girl at my age and yes I got picked on but I didn't care. I didn't let it faze me one single bit. But for my smart cuteness, a lot of guys would hit on me ask me out but they only would use me to help them get their grades up. Some would try to get into my pants but I wouldn't allow them too.
By the time I had graduated high school with a GPA of 4.7 and only being 15 years old, was a shock to some. Even when I went to college, my head master was shocked when she read my transcript but was very pleased.
She asked me what I wanted in life, what I wanted to accomplish? I told her I want it all, I want to accomplish everything in life and told her the motto my parents told me as a kids. "Dream big or don't dream at all, because I won't succeed in life!" And she saw that from my records I was dreaming big on what I wanted.
I spent 2 ½ years in college getting my masters in everything all at once. I called myself an 'entrepreneur'. I want to run my own business in whatever I want to dream about. And I did when I graduated college with master in entrepreneur; business, finances, cooking/chef, banking, photography, and etc. My family was so very happy for me and shocked all at the same time. Because they never would think, me go by the motto and actually succeed in it. Some would try but fail but not I, no sir re bob.
I lived in a small town called Norfolk, Virginia in a small apartment that my parents had got me after I graduated college. And with the money I had saved up over the years since I was a kid til now, I had enough to buy a small shop. And my parents had friends in high places like the banks and stuff so they recommended me to one of their friends to help me open up this shop and get it to what I needed.
When I got to the bank, I told them I wanted enough to get it but it, remodel it, open it up for business, and make sure I had enough left over for emergencies for the shop.

"That's great, we can do that for you, Carrie. We found the perfect shop close to your home so its walking distance and its cheap enough where you will have a lot to work with." The woman has told me at the bank.
"Great, I'll get it and just help me find the people to remodel the inside how I want it." I told her.
"Great and I will. Just sign these and I'll make some phone calls." She told me as she handed me a stack of papers.

While signing, she made the calls and gave me the number of the company that was going to help with the remodeling.
When I got home, I made that call once again and would love to meet them at the shop in the next few days.
As I was waiting for the time to fly, I got on the computer and looked up things that was cheap and cute to have in my store for customers would love to either sit on and see when they came in.
When I found all that I wanted/needed, I ordered it all. By the time, it got here, it was time to bring it in the store. I had the bathrooms ready to have at least 2 people in at a time even a changing bed for babies in both bathrooms. The paint colors I wanted them to bring out the store to be banging and they did. Once I got the 4 tvs hooked up, the Internet hooked up n everything else I needed for this store it was all hooked up.
After all that, it was time to hire me a few people to help. But before all of that happened, I ran the store by myself as how I wanted it until I hired my helped.

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