chapter 1

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5 years after being born into a world, it had always been me and my mother. No father along to help. Just us. But not until my mother had told me about my father and what had happened, why she left him in the first place.
My father had lied, well not in those words, but he had a secret life going on behind my mothers back. He had a whole wife and kids, while he was dating and falling in love with my mother to almost marry her til she had found out about his wife, Cynthia and their two kids.
9 months to carrying me inside her, she done everything on her own. The time for the past 5 years, of everything all on her own. Some help from my grandparents and some of the workers at my mothers shops had helped as well.
But that moment, that my father came to the house to talk to my mother. Either of us not knowing who each of us were. But having a feeling was the least of our worries. The look he had gave me, the pure shock of seeing something you never knew you had. Something that I never would expect to feel myself in a million years. Any time in my life.
But seeing him again the next day with his family hurt but I was happy that I had a bigger family to join in and love me as much as I love them. My brother and sister were just a few years older than me but that was fine. I was glad to have older siblings and a father to do things with.
But that moment, that my mother was finally smiling again because I was smiling, was the best feeling in the world.
The next years or so after meeting my father, was the best thing that ever happened to my life. Other than my mother of course. She saw my life through and he just helped it happened. By the time I was 7 years old, I lost my 1st 3 sets of teeth. My mother gave me $30 dollars on top of what the tooth fairy gave me which was a hundred dollars and my father gave me a cool frozen bike that had a bell and a cute Olaf basket on it. My step mom, the one I'm named after got me matching helmet and elbow and knee pads to go with the bike.
That was the best thing I got in my life. I've always wanted a bike, but back where we use to live it was too dangerous, where we lived. That's what my mother always told me. I mean I think she was right, there wasn't kids around that apartment area. And the park was a few blocks away but my mother was always busy, with work and if I wasn't with her I was at school. Or with a baby sitter that didn't want to take me to the park either. She just sat on the couch and watched tv and played on her phone. Good thing about her, she watched kiddy movies and shows with me. She brought over her Wii a few times to watch Hulu, Netflix, or Disney+ on it or even play some kiddy games that she had.
I begged my mom to get me a Wii and get those apps. But she always said we didn't have the money for it, which she was right.
But once we got back to her old house, with the helping my father, he made sure I got what I wanted. My mother said he was spoiling me, which she didn't want but he had said I deserve everything from the times he was gone. Which I was beyond excited. Because out of a lot of the stuff, I got the Wii that I wanted with some really cool games that I could play for my age and some that my brother and sister could play with me. Mario Karts, family fun time game set (a lot of board games), all the fitness games, girly games, and some boyish games.
My mom and step mom got me some dolls; Barbie's, Ken's, Bratz, and etc. All different kinds of dolls. I even had the doll where you feed it and change it diaper. First time feeding her and it done the number 2, it was gross. I had my mom to help me clean that mess up. She just laughed her butt off, which was pretty funny.
But by the time I was 9, things were becoming off. I was in the 4rd grade and my step mom had came and got me from school the middle of the day. She looked hurt but couldn't tell me why until we ended up at the hospital.
I asked why we were here until I saw my mothers parents sitting in the waiting room. When they heard me ask Cynthia, they looked up and my grandma got up and ran to me and picked me up.

"What's going on? Where my mother and father?" I asked.
Cynthia answered me about my father. "He's out of town for business sweetie. He won't be back for awhile." She said then looked at my grandma. "And your mother," she started to say but stopped herself.
"Honey, your mom had gotten hurt at work." My grandma said.
"What you mean, she got hurt?" I asked.
"She passed out, at work and the doctors are looking at her to see what's wrong with her." My grandma said.
I looked at Cynthia with tears in my eyes. "Calling daddy please. I want my daddy."
"Honey, I'm trying to get him here as fast as I can." She told me.

Minutes of sitting in the waiting room, numbers of clicks from the clock and until someone has showed up and talked to us. But the way my grandparents eyes got all watery it wasn't good. I started crying in Cynthia's arms until I heard someone had said both of names.

"Cynthia!" When we all looked, it was my father.
"Daddy!" I said as I got out of Cynthia's hold.

I ran to him as fast as I could, falling into his arms, crying. He picked me up and carried me over to the others.

"What's going on, with my baby momma?" He had asked.
"Carrie has a few tumors in her brain where its making it hard on her to get oxygen and blood up there. We're trying our best to get the bleeding to stop and to get the flow she needs to stay going." The Dr had told him.

I didn't know much what they were saying but I just knew right then and there, half my life was fading from my life. If that makes since, I was losing the best and most important person to me.

The One That Got Away!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant