chapter 11

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It felt like its been forever by now but its finally here. Its Christmas eve, our family dinner. What we call it but its kinda different since Mark is gone. As I got home, yes a little high, but enough to get the high but not show it. Cynthia was in the kitchen cooking away with some of the help, when I came in. Our head chef was taking out the hams when I popped my butt down on the island. When he sat it on the counter he addressed me like always with a smile. Walter, I loved he was the best. Always made me the best late night snack. Especially when I was a little high.

"Good morning Ms. Rosey." He said.
"Good morning Walter."
"Oh good your here and early." Cynthia chimed in. "But not dressed for your best, I see."
"I don't have all my nice close at the house mother. I left them here. But I was gonna take a nice hot bath and get ready here if you didn't mind?"
"Of course not. Its still your place. Even though your father isn't here and the judge left everything to me. All your father has to do it pay 3k a month in child support. The judge made sure he helped out for his children."
"You've already been to court?" I asked.
"Yes, court was last monday. I wanted a speedy divorce and with all I had said and how he treated his children it was done and over with. He signed everything to me and all he has left in his name is his company. I told the judge he could keep that. I had nothing to do with it." She told me as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "But my parents and family will be here shortly and your grandparents said they'll be late."
"Oh, okay." I said sounding sad.
"Look, they said they got you something big that you will love."
"Yea, sure. I'll be up in my room." I said getting off my chair.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another. I thought to myself as I reached the stairs.
Once I got to my room, I took a nice hot bath like I said I was gonna. And it felt great. Once I got out, I went to my closet and searched for something nice to wear tonight.
About an hour before dinner starts, everyone started showing up. Everyone was here except my grandparents. Yes it had hurt a little because I had no one here from my side of the family. Yes, Cynthia, Chris, and Carlie was my family but only step family. I had no father, no mother, no one. I didn't even invite Jacob over like I did for Thanksgiving. I think to be honest with myself, I wanted to be alone.
Alone to myself, maybe to get my life straight or just be left alone. I didn't know what I wanted anymore. Other than have my old life back.
About half way through dinner, as I slowly ate, my grandparents decided to finally show themselves. And when they told Cynthia they had something big for me well it was sort big. They got me a puppy, a Cocker Spaniel, female at that. Yes, I was excited for it but what was I gonna do with it. Leave it here or take it with me to a house all to myself.
As the night grew old, my time ended for me to go to bed or at least be by myself. At least for one more night.
Once I got to my room, I took a shower to get ready for bed. The bed I've been looking for since dinner. Or should I wait since I've gotten here.
Yes, I've missed it here but all I can think about is the pain and lose of not seeing my father. Seeing what he's done to Cynthia and his children. Mostly Cynthia.
As I tried to sleep durning the night, tossing and turning, thinking of everyone and everything all at once. Life, death, light, dark. Yin and yang, its all the same in the end. Just got to know what to do with it.
Even though I have a lot on my mind, I still got up the next morning for Christmas. But only be woken up by Chris.

"Little sister get up!" Chris hollered through the door. "Mother said if your not down stairs she's not making your favorite."
I groaned as I rolled over to look towards the door. "Seriously Chris." I said. "What time is it?"
"8:30am now get up. Walter is making everyone hot coco with peppermint in it." My brother said all excitedly.

Hot coco with peppermint was one of my faves and I couldn't turn that down especially if Walter was making it.

"Give me 5 minutes butthead." I called back.
"Better hurry up, slowpoke." He said then I heard him walk away.

I wanted to go back to sleep but my luck I couldn't. And I was a little hungry now since he spoke of food and I wanted hot coco.
I got up from my bed, slipped on my slippers, grabbed my robe and headed down to the living room. When I got down there, Walter was just now passing along everyone's cup. Once he saw me, he smiled and handed me mine once I got close to him.
Once Cynthia came down, she went to the tree and passed out everyone's gift and told us to start opening them.
She gave me some things that I would for the house, a new phone, some make-up, jewelry, a few gifts cards to a few places, which held $300 on them. In was actually happy at what I got. Least it wasn't any baby or stupid shit like I had gotten the past few years from my father. He didn't care if I liked them or not. He said it was the thought that count. Stupid piece of shit.
But Cynthia came along with some good stuff after I got what I got from him. But he made it up when he went on his business trips. More like whores trips.
After we opened all our stuff, Cynthia and Walter made breakfast together. Everyone laughing at the messes Cynthia was making. It felt like old times once again and I felt a little better than I was.
But for how long would it last? Is my only question.

The One That Got Away!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz