chapter 12

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As I was figuring out what my next move was, I was at one of my shops when it was about lunch time when I heard the door bell ring for someone coming in. I didn't think anything of it until Hailey had came to the back to tell me I have a visitor.
When she had said that, I was hoping it wasn't Mark. But when I came to the front it wasn't Mark but it was his wife. I froze where I stood. Not knowing what to do, run to the back or even out of the shop or just talk to the woman.
So that is what I did. I walked over to the counter for a second and stared at her beauty. She was beautiful and I don't get why he would do such a thing.

"So you much be Carrie, the woman that stole my husband's heart."
"Look, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he had a wife or even a family. I wonder when he went on trips by himself or not come home to me after we bought the house." I told her.
"He bought you a house?" She asked, shockingly.
"Yes, and a car. But I'm willing to give it all back."
"No, just keep it. I just wanna talk to you."
"Umm, okay. Here's my address to my house we can talk there after I'm off." I told her writing down my address on some receipt paper. "Again I'm truly am sorry." I said as I handed it to her.
"As am I." She said as she walked away.

After she walked away from the counter, I felt a little better than I was but still had the guilt feeling in the pit of my stomach.
As I was closing up, I told everyone goodnight and see them tomorrow if I ain't dead. The girls didn't take that well, they had slapped me on my arms but hugged me afterwards.
As I got to my car, I sat there wondering all what his wife wanted to say to me. I was scared that she was gonna do something to me. I mean she has the money to have me murder and all but would she go that far for her husband. That was all I was thinking the whole way home. I was watching every little corner while I was driving, being extremely extra careful driving home. When I finally got to the house, I saw a black car parked in my drive way, knowing who it was.
I cleared my throat before getting out the car and head up to the house. As I was unlocking the door, I heard the car door open, when I looked, it was the wife like I thought.

"Sorry, if I was late. Had some trouble closing up." I lied to her.
"Its fine." She said as she followed me inside.
"Would you like any tea or coffee?" I asked.
"Tea's fine." She said as she followed me into the kitchen. "So who's idea to have this house like this? Its beautiful." She asked.
"Well before I even known, he already bought it. I just decorated it my way. He told me but what I wanted with his black card that he gave me."
"Do you still have it?" she asked as she looked around.
"No, I gave it back to him the last time I used it." I lied.

I wasn't gonna tell her I still had it, she might want it back.

"I wondered of he was still usually that card. When we met, he done the same thing with me. Other than the whole wife and kids thing." She told me.
"Oh yea." I said as I put the pot on the stove.
"Yea, it was magical. Took me to places I've never been before. I thought I was the luckiest woman alive. I'm sure you felt the same thing, am I right?" She asked as she looked at me.
"Yes, I did. Until that night at the ball." I admitted.
"I wondered who you were when he smiled at you then walked over to you. When he came back to me I had asked. Because I knew everyone there except you."
"Maybe I ask, what was his answer?"
"And old college friend."

When she said that, I was hurt mad all at the same time. I didn't know what to say or think.

"By the look on your face, I'm guessing your not."
"Sadly no." I said as I went and got the pot and poured the hot water into the cups then the tea bags. "How do you like your tea?" I asked.
"A little cream and sugar." She said.
As I got the milk out of the fridge and the sugar out of the cabinet, I spoke again. "We were actually dating. As you see I own that coffee shop you were at today and two years ago he just happened to walk in one the 1st week being open and ever since we talked and flirted and he asked me out."
"So y'all dated for two years?" She asked me.
"Yes, and about 3 to 4 months ago he asked me to marry him."
"Oh really, did you say no?"
"Oh no, I said yes."
"Wait 4 months ago he was in Paris for a business trip. Did you go with him?"
"Sadly yes. He did."
"He pulled that again, he done the same thing to me." She said as she took a drink of her tea.

As well drunk our tea and talked about all the shit he's done to me he had done with her. He was repeating his life all over again with me.
She told me things that he's done with her that he wanted to try with me. There was one that we've done and both didn't like, the choking during sex.
She told me that after left that night, they got into it bad where she told him she wanted a divorce and he lost it. He didn't want that, that he still loved her and mostly the kids, he didn't want them to see their parents leave each other.

"I told him for the kids, we'll stay but he has to sleep in another room for the time being. Until we either make up our mind on what we want. I asked him why did some what he done and he couldn't give me a straight answer. He just kept saying he wanted more, that he loved me just wasn't in love with me like he was back then. I think its the kids, to be honest." She said.
"Why do you say that, maybe I ask?"
"Well since we had our 2nd kid, it's not been the same. Yes, we would have sex one or twice a week or a month but it was drifting." She said as she looked away. "Before we had them we was doing it every single night, sometimes twice or three times a day. Times I couldn't keep up with him."
"After the long hours of sex, would you pass out from being wore out?" I asked.
"Oh god yes, after like 3 to 4 hours straight." She said as she looked at me.

I just shook my head thinking how in the world he was doing this to both of us.
After the long talk, I saw it was getting late and told her I had to get up for work tomorrow. Told her she could come by work for whatever she wanted on the house and to talk some more. I wasn't done talking about this and wanted to know more.
I don't know why but I think I would feel so much better about all of this.

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