Chapter 5

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Once the driver got me, we went into town. He drove me to a shopping mall that I would never find myself going into. When he pulled up, he got out and opened the door for me. As I got out, a lady in her middle 40's came out and greeted me. She told me that Mark had called her and told her to tell me find something cute, no sexy, in his words, for me for tonight.
I nervously nodded my head as she grabbed my hand and towed me with her to the back where the the dressing rooms were at. When I got back there I saw two racks with dresses on it. One had long sexy dresses and the other was short simple cute dresses. She pulled out two dresses, one of each and placed them in front of me and turned me towards the mirror. They both were cute, mo what was I kidding, they were sexy. Again something I wouldn't dare wear because I don't have the money. But he was paying for this for me.

"So what colors do you like, I might just have for you." She asked.
"Red, blue, and purple. Sometimes black." I told her.

She nodded her head then went back to the rack and looked for those colors. When she came back she found some really cute dresses, one was black with some red around the trims that are on top where my boobs would go. It was strapless with a train that goes around my waist to the floor, making it look both short in the front and long in the back. I grabbed it from her and went into the dressing room and tried it on.
Once I got it on, I stepped out and looked in the mirror. I thought it was cute before putting it on, well it was sexy as fuck once I had it on me. The woman that was helping me came over with some black heels and told me to put them on. When I did, I looked at my full self in the mirror, turning to side to side to get every angle of me. With my curves that I had and the boobs and ass, I was pulling this dress off for sure. Even the woman saw that too.

"Wow, this dress look awesome on you. I've seen woman try dresses like this on and it don't look that great but with you, you can see all your curves and Mark will love this one you." She told me.
"You think?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "Okay, charge this then."
"Okay then I'll charge the dress and shoes and I'll put your clothes and shoes in a bag so you can wear this out."
"Thank you." I said as I walked over to the cashier counter.

She took the tag off the dress and rung everything up and I handed her his card. Once it was all done, she handed everything back and I was walking out the door.

"Oh, btw there a salon two doors down."
"Thank you, so much."

As I walked out the store, I handed the driver my stuff and walked down two doors. When I walked in, the woman looked at me and smiled.
She towed me over to a chair and snapped her fingers at two other girls. I'm guessing they knew who I was. Once I sat down they were on it like donkey kong. One was working on my right hand, the other one my left hand, and the 3rd on my head. The one that was working on my hair, she washed my hair twice and conditioned it. Once she was done, she started cutting the ends of my hair then blows dried my hair. Once it was blower dried she started styling it a way that I wouldn't be able to get it right. She curled my hair into some big and small curls. Some big ones in the back and small ones in the front.
As she got done with my hair, she started working on my face. She done my eyebrows making them arch a way that it hurt her and there. Once she was done, her and the girls looked at me and my dress for a second. When I looked down, I saw the girls that were on my hands were painting my nails black then put some red strips and glitter on them. Once they were done, the girl that was on my face, was working fast on my face that I didn't even know what she was doing until she was done. But whatever she was doing was putting me to sleep. I felt like I did but only for about 15 minutes until she told me she was done and turned me around to look in the mirror.
When she turned me around, I saw myself in the mirror and couldn't believe it was me. I didn't even recognize who the woman was. I just started smile crazy big for some reason. I handed the one woman the card to charge for what they did to me. Once it was all done, I headed out to the car. The driver has to double look at me to make sure I was the same girl. He started smiling at me as he opened the door.
When I got in, I started thinking what all of this reminded me of. As I was thinking, the driver turned on the radio and "Oh, Pretty Woman" came on. Then it dawned on me. I was reliving the movie Pretty Woman.
About another 20-30 minutes later, we was pulling up to the restaurant that Mark had said he was taking me to. When we pulled up, the driver got out and opened the door for me once again.

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