chapter 6

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After what had happened with Joey and I, we've been closer than ever. We hung out more than we usually do, and have our little moments. But when his girlfriend Jenny was around we just did our normal stuff. We almost slipped a few times around her. Once was when I got up from our lunch table to throw my trash away, I leaned down to kiss him on the lips but end up kissing him on the cheek. The same BFF shit we did before but with more meaning.
One day he came over and we spent together in my room and so happens the same day that my father comes home. He walked into my room right as Joey and I were about to kiss but Joey pulled away fast as the door opened.

"Ummm, who's he?" My father asked.
"Its Joey, Joe Macintosh, famous football star's son." I had said.
"Joe Macintosh? Don't ring a bell."
"Sir, my father was famous in this town because he won't the Superbowl few years back before he retired the NFL." Joey had said. "I believe your company had sponsored his team a few times."
"Maybe, I don't remember. But anyways, here's some stuff I bought back from Italy. What you don't want give it to your siblings." My father told me.
"Yes, father." I said as I got off the bed and went over to him.

As I got to him, I went to hug him but he just handed me the bag and walked out.

"Dad, I've missed you."
"You too kid." He said as he walked down to his office.

I looked down and bit my lip to hold in the cry that I had in my throat. Didn't want Joey to know how I was feeling but by the quietness he knew. I felt his hand on my arm to pull me into his body. By that time, I let the tears flow down.

"Shh, its okay. I know how it feels, trust me." He told me as he closed the door and went back to my bed.

As well sat down, my bathroom door swung open, showing my sister walking in.

"I heard dads home?" She had question. "Rose, are you okay?"
"No, she's not." Joey has said.
"Let me get Chris." Carlie had said as I heard my bedroom door open then close.

A few moments later I heard it again then close. I felt the bed move on the other side on me then a hand touched my back. I jumped a little but I knew whom it was. I moved away from Joey and of course I was right. It was Chris.
He wrapped his arms around me and shushed me.

"What did you say to him this time?" Chris had asked.
"Chris, that was harsh." Joey had said.
"Not trying to be. Just wondering what was said."
I mean away and looked at him. "He walked in and said got some stuff for us like always. I went over to him to get it and as he was walking away, I told him I missed him. All he said, you too kid." I said sniffling.
"I don't get it, why he does what he does. He's gone for who knows how long. Then comes back with gifts for us then acts like a total prick." Chris has said.

Chris has always been off about our father. District more likely. They were like a normal father son should be. Carlie, she was a total daddy's girl. Always stuck up his ass. Sticking up for him and everything.

"Hey, he loves us in away. He's probably just tired." Carlie had brought up.
"Yea, sure." I had said, trying to agree with her.
"What if he's doing it all over again. Like he done with mom to Rose's mother. What if he's got another one on the side? He was gone like this all the time, when he was dating Carrie."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Carlie has asked. "Why would you bring that up? Especially Carrie, you know how hard to say her name around Rose."
"No, its fine." I had said. "I've gotten over it." I lied.

I wasn't over it. It was still a little touchy but I never let it show in front of them hardly anymore. But Chris had a point, what if our father was doing it again? How would we know for sure though.

"How would we know?" I asked.
"Who knows." Carlie said. "But I ain't the one that's gonna go through his shit to find out either."
"Oh why, because your little Miss perfect, daddy's girl. This broke our mothers heart when she found out about Carrie."
"She grew to love her though, because of our sister."
"Yes, because of me." I said as I got up off the bed.

As I got up, I walked to the bathroom for a moment, looked in the mirror. Trying not to listen to what they were saying. Joey must have gotten tired of it as well because when I looked up, I saw he was behind me kissing my shoulder.
When I heard Carlie got loud with Chris, I just have had it. I walked into my room and yelled.

"OUT!" I yelled.

They both shut up and looked at me.

"I've had it, both of you get out of my room. I don't want to hear anymore of this shit. And take whatever he brought home. I don't want anything from him." I said as stood there balling my hands into fists.
"Rose," Chris had said at first.
"No, I don't want to hear it anymore. I'm tired anyways. I just want to go to bed." I told them.
"Okay." Chris said. "Come on Joey, we can hang out in my room."
"Actually, Ima go home. I'll talk to y'all later." Joey said then kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." He asked.

I nodded my head at him and tried to smile but I just couldn't and he knew why. Carlie was right about one thing, Chris shouldn't have brought up my mothers name.
As everyone left the room, I climbed into bed and got on my phone. I texted the one person, I wouldn't think I ever want to hold me right now and that was Cynthia.
About 45 minutes later, almost asleep when I heard my door open then shut. I didn't bother rolling over to see who it was. But by the smell of coffee, I knew it was her. She smelt like the coffee shop and my mother. I loved it when I came home from school andy mother came home from work and I would smell fresh brew coffee. It warmed my heart up a little to smell it once more.

"Rosey, are you awake?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said, sniffling.

I heard her over over and climbed behind me and wrapped her arm around me. I finally rolled over and put my face into her shirt and took a big deep breath of the smell that was on her shirt.

"Chris called me. He said that you yelled at them to get out of your room over something him and Carlie had said. Maybe I asked what that was about?"
"He brought up my mother."
"For what?"
"Over father, he thinks he's doing it again. What he done to you with my mother." I told her.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because Chris thinks he is because of how long he's gone. He done the same with her back then."
"May I ask, did he give y'all gifts?"
"Yes from Italy. Told me to take what I want and give the rest to Chris and Carlie."
"Thank you." That was all she said as she started to rub my back and started humming a tune.

It was a nice time, one to make you fall asleep too. And I was tired, very tired.
After a few moments, I had fallen asleep and dreamt of my mother. Wishing she was still with me, at least alive.

Well, I think I have one more twist chapter to bring it back to the normal role of the book. The twist was good as it lasted but I think she's still the same as she was back when she was with Jacob. Yes she was popular but she's still her same self other than doing drugs.
If there's anything y'all would love for me to write in, don't be shy to comment and ask away. I'll be glad to hear from y'all and know what y'all want in a chapter or two.

The One That Got Away!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora