chapter 14

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Two days.
Two days since she's been in the hospital resting.
Two days since she's been out.
Two days for her to get back to normal.
It took a lot to get her back to normal, but when it did, she was fully awake and alert. She was shocked to see where she was and who was there for her.
The moment she woke up, I had called her doctor and called the others to come to the hospital. The doctor checked her out and said she was okay, back where she needed to be. Which was a good thing.

"Cynthia Rose, do you know how much you gave us all a scare?" Cynthia scolded her.
"I'm sorry." Rose had said at first, looking down. Then looked up and spoke again. "Does he know?"
"Your father?" Cynthia asked. Rose nodded. "I called him and told him, well mostly left a voicemail. But he hasn't called back or even texted to see if you were okay. Last time we spoke was a month ago when he told me he was leaving town for awhile and sent money for you kids."
"Oh," Rose said looking down again.
"Did you expect a man like him, to feel bad about his baby girl killing herself?" I had said not meaning for it to be rude.
"Joey?" Chris and Carlie said.
"No, Joey's right. Yes, I kinda felt. No, I kinda expected him to show up. But I guess I was holding my breath on that." Rose had said, sounding heartbroken.

Which I didn't blame her. All her life he didn't give a crap about her. Was just there to help and show others that he was taking care of his kids.
About a few hours of catching up, the other left and I sat next to her and we chatted.
Told her that its been a crazy few days since she's been out. She had asked about Jacob, that if he knew? I told her no, no one told him. She asked why and I flat out told her. It was his fault that she's where she's at. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be sitting or laying in a hospital bed wondering if she was gonna make it or not.
She was quiet about what I said. I wondered what she was thinking but didn't ask her. I just let her be and think whatever she wanted to think.
She needed to know the truth. And that was I didn't like the guy, and I didn't like how he played her and done to her.

"So, you stayed by myself this whole time?" She asked me after her being quiet for about 5 minutes.
"Yes. I slept here, on the cot over there." I said pointing to it. "No one was allowed to come here at night but Cynthia made sure they let me stay here with you."
"That was sweet of y'all." She said then looked down at her hands.

It was quiet once again for just a few minutes. She was about to say something when a few nurses and doctors came in and checked on her. One stayed a good 3 minute to check all her stuff and made sure she was all good, so she should leave soon.
The nurse asked her if she was feeling anything off that she shouldn't feel or anything. Rose said no and then the nurse left. Back to it being quiet.

"Joey?" She said my name.
I looked up at her, straight into her beautiful face. Just watching how her eyes sparkled in the light. "Yes."
"T-thank you," she said at first.
"Your welcome."
"No, I mean it. I'm sorry for what you had to walk into. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. I'd be with my mother and I... I wasn't ready to go just yet." She said tearing up.

I got up from the chair and got into the bed with her and held her while she was crying.

"Rosey, it will get better. I promise. Your so called family is here with you. I'm here with you. Just don't leave us. Don't leave me, please." I said starting to tear up myself but, I was trying to be tough, be a man for her.
"I won't." She said then laid her head on my chest.

I smiled when she said that then kissed her head. As we laid there, I felt her relax into me and then I heard her soft snores. I smiled even more knowing she's fallen asleep in my arms. I took that as a good sign for me to join her as well.

What do y'all think? Should Rosey take that as a sign that Joey is the one that's good for her or just keep doing what she do on her own?

I have a few ideas how I want to plan this;
1.) She moves back in with her step mom gets her life where it should be with her brother and sister and Joey, soon to be boyfriend.
2.) She stays where she's at in her house and does what she wants, not a care in the world but slowly changes for the better, just to show the others she don't need anyone.
3.) She does both, stays at her house, she does her to try and slowly change her ways all over again with the help of a certain boy. Follows her heart where it wants to be?

Comment and let me know I'll give y'all a few days to check up then tell me.

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