Chapter 3

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I didn't have a lot of money to my name and with the shop, it took a lot of the money I had saved up. Something bad would happen, something would break and need to be fix. It would just put me in more dept that I didn't need.
And with all the tips that the store made in the day, I had made a goal for us to have at least $50 but some days we wouldn't even make it there. But what tips we got, me and the crew both agree to save them for the shop to get what we need fixed until then its not our money.
As promised, I did come into work looking cute just for a certain person. But I feel like I'm trying too hard. I don't even know his name, he could have a family, or even be gay all I know. There goes Kyle's shot to him. Which made me laugh just thinking about that. Someone I liked turn out being gay and he takes him from me.
But I spoke too soon, he came in one evening where there was a few people drinking their drink and eating whatever they ordered as they watched the news or use the wifi, but he saw that we were down in the dumps.

"What's the matter with y'all 3?" He asked.
"Its always something going wrong in this place. Where I don't have the money to get it fixed." I said.
"Yea, we've made a goal together, with our tips. To have at least $50 a day and we can't even do that." Kylie said, whipping down the counter.
"What's broke?" He asked.
"The water heater it went out the other day, just glad it isn't cold out just yet. My coffee pot went out so I'm just selling my Expresso's a lot more just doing half of on them for right now." I said then looked around the store. "This store just falling apart that I've worked my ass off just to get it somewhere."
"We, Carrie. We worked our asses off." Kyle said.
"Yes, sorry. We work our asses off. And we don't even make it to where it needs to be." I had said.

He put a finger on his chin for a moment then looked around. After a while, he reached in his pants pocket and took out some money and put it in the tip jar. I looked at it then back at him. I was shocked at what I just saw.
I grabbed the jar from the counter and pulled every single bill out. I counted the wad he put on there and it was little over $100 plus what we had in there made it about $125 plus change that I wasn't going to count right now. I looked over at the guys and I mouth how much was there then looked at the gentleman.

"Sir, I can't take this money. We didn't earn it."
"Of course you can. Let's just say its my investment to this place. I love them drinks and food here. The workers are kind and sweet. And one of them is even cute." He said making me blush a little. "I'll even make you a deal, if you don't make your goal each day when I come in, I'll make sure you do. Or I can write out a check for you, as an investment, to cover all the expenses for this place that needs to be fixed."
"Sir, I can't let you do that. I don't even know your name is." I said.

He reached into his wallet again and pulled out a card. He handed it over to me and it said Mark, and he works at the Jefferson's company.

"Now you know my name and where I work at. Just call me any time if you need the help. I'm willing to help." He told me then ordered his order.

Even though, we were short on some things, he still paid for what it was and even still gave me his tip that he always gives.
Later on that night, after we closed, I counted all the money that we made for the week in tips. We just made enough to get a new coffee pot and get the water heater fixed.

"Well we just made enough for us to get the two major things fixed." I said.
"I can't believe he did that." Kylie said.
"Yea, are you gonna take him up on his offer and except the check to get what we need fixed or the tips?" Kyle asked.
"I don't know. I could set him to the side and talk about it all. I don't, we don't even know Mark like that."
"Well clearly, he makes hella money. He works for the Jefferson company and look what he wears. That suit alone has to cost about a few hundred dollars or more." Kylie said.
"Yea, this is Norfolk, Virginia. Its a small ass town other than that big ass building downtown. And if it wasn't for that big ass building, we wouldn't have a place to stay or even a job. Do you even know what they do, Carrie?" Kyle said.
"Nope, not really. I just heard things." I said.
"Ask your buddy next time he comes in. But for now, I'm out of here for the night." Kyle said.
"Me too, love you girl." Kylie said then walked out with Kyle.

As I finished my late night stuff, ordered the coffee pot and a new water heater and a few other things we needed, I locked up and walked home. When I got home, I thought about what he had said.
Investment he calls it. Should I take him up on his offer or no?
I looked at his card then took out my phone. I texted him and told him that we need to sit down the next time he comes in and come to conclusions about this agreement. After that, I got ready for bed.

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