Sequel Is Out

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Yes, that's right. One — maybe even more — sequels is planned after I've completed the editing of this book!

This book was my first one which started in the end of may 2021 and now it has almost 140k reads! So, so thankful!

This was in the beginning a mere way for me to write my own story in the mafia genre, because I didn't really like the ones I did read. So I created my own.

(I still have to edit this book a lot so the first half is pretty shitty in my opinion)

We will get a lot more of James' possessiveness, jealousy, dominance and many different scenes of smut...

Would really like if you gave my other stories a read in the mean time!


Thank you for sharing this journey with me!!

Kitten | 18+ {to be edited}Where stories live. Discover now