Plan A start!

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"Yah, are you guys sure this will work?" Yongguk asked for the umpteenth time as they left the elevator. "Of course it'll work so just do your job and leave it to us." Himchan said as he put a thumbs up and hung his arms over Daehyun's shoulder. "Araseo. Good luck then." Yongguk said and went to Sowon's apartment as the other two went to your apartment.

"Umm.. Sooyoung-ssi? I'm Himchan and i'm with my friend, Daehyun. Can you open the door?" Himchan requested after knocking on the door a few times lightly and soon, the door opened a little and you peeked out from the little gap and got a little shocked as you saw two handsome men standing in front of your apartment.

"Umm.. D-do i.. Know you?" You asked softly as you looked at them and looked down. "Whoa.. Hyung is right. She's really afraid of people and strangers." Daehyun whsipered but Himchan nudged him on the stomach lightly and looked at you with a smile. "Aniyo but we know you." Himchan said and you looked at him. confused.

"H-how did you.. Know me?" You asked softly as you looked down. "Can we.. Become friends?" Daehyun asked as he smiled his signature smile. "No thanks." You said without thinking and looked at them. "If there's nothing else.. Please go." You said and breathed in deeply. "But.. Thanks for coming all the way just to ask me this and.. Sorry." You added softly and shut the door.

"Mwoya.. Not one female in this world can resist me or you so.. Why did she reject us? Even when we are so friendly towars her too." Himchan said, slightly angry and Daehyun sighed out while holding his shoulder. "Hyung, it didn't work on her and that's it. Let's tell Yonggukkie hyung it didn't work after he finished his work and while waiting, let's go to the cafe we just passed by and eat something." Daehyun said and pulled Himchan to the elevator.

"I'm amazed you can eat after failing this. He will be mad though." Himchan said and Daehyun sighed out. "Hyung, it's your fault in the first place and besides, hyung might already knew that we will fail so it will be alright, right?" Daehyun said, unsure and Himchan shrugged his shoulder.

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