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A few weeks after that incident, it's school holiday and Sowon's mother told him it's okay not to tutor her for awhile so he don't have any reason to see you.

"Whoa hyung, jinjja?!" Daehyun shouted, shocked. "Bbang, she doesn't have your child, right?" Himchan asked and Yongguk smacked him hard on the head. Yongguk is hanging out with his friends in a family restaurant as all of them are free and nothing to do and he told them the incident about you letting him sleep over.

"But didn't you say you slept with her?" Himchan asked, close to tears while rubbing the sore part on his head. "Yah! Do you know you have a dirty mind?" Yongguk said, making the dongsaengs laughed, besides Jongup, who is smiling from the beginning.

"But hyung, why did you want to sleep with her?" Zelo asked, confused. "Junhong-ah, i think the important question here is, how did she allow hyung to sleep with her?" Daehyun asked and Yongguk became slightly embarrassed and a little shy.

"Well.. She did reject at first but after talking awhile, she agreed to it and besides, she is crying due to a nightmare and looks like she needs some comforting so i gave it a try the second time after she refused the first time and she accepted. Shocked me too, to be honest." Yongguk explained and they nodded.

"So? Did you go and see after that hyung?" Youngjae asked and Yongguk shook his head while looking down as he played with his fingers. "And why not? Don't you miss her?" Himchan asked as he looked at him. "Yeah hyung, didn't you say that you love her? Why didn't you want to see her?" Youngjae added and Yongguk sighed out.

"I think she'll be shy after that incident. I mean.. I did leave my phone number on the coffee table but she haven't called me even once for these few weeks." Yongguk said and Himchan groaned. "I think you are having the symptoms of being lovesick." Himchan said while rolling his eyes and Yongguk groaned out while resting his head on the table.

"Himchannie hyung, what should we do?" Jongup asked, curious. "We should go and visit Sooyoungie. The least this guy can do is let her know his feelings for her and she can decide what to do. Either reject or accept." Himchan said and they nodded.

"Hyung, you do say some reasonable things, huh?" Daehyun said, earning a hit on the head by Himchan and Youngjae laughed, followed by Zelo and Jongup. "Let's go then." Himchan said and Yongguk refused so they have to drag him to your apartment.

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