Short talk

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Once Yongguk entered your apartment, he felt coldness and as he looked around, there's nothing, not even a tv but only a laptop with speakers on a medium-sized coffee table and when he went towards the living room, he saw there's only a microwave and a small fridge in the kitchen and as he looked to his side, he saw there are two rooms which are closed.

After you settled your dinner, which is convenience store instant food, he looked at you. "Go and wash it first before we apply the solution." Yongguk said and you looked at him, confused while cocking your head to a side. "Wash..? Wae?" You asked softly and Yongguk sighed out. "You have to wash it before your injury get infected." Yongguk explained and you nodded, although still unsure and he grabbed your uninjured hand and went towards the kitchen sink.

After washing it, with you wincing once every while, he brought you to the living room and he looked at you. "Umm.. Where do you put the first-aid kit?" Yongguk asked and you looked at him and looked down. "I.. Don't think i have it." You answered and his eyes widen slightly. "Mwo? You don't have it?" Yongguk repeated slightly loud and you nodded as you looked down while fiddling with your fingers and bit your lower lip.

After he saw your reaction, he calmed down a little and also a little concern. "Then.. Do you have any plaster?" He asked with a gentle tone and you nodded, head still hung low. "Can you give it to me?" He asked and you walked to your room after nodding. *Oh shit! I must've shocked her when i accidentally raised my voice a little. What should i do?* Yongguk wondered as he slightly panicked internally.

"Umm.. Here." You said softly as you shoved a plaster to him, head still hung low and he took it. He raised your injured hand and plastered it as you kept still. "May i ask.. How did you get this injury?" Yongguk asked, trying to start a conversation. "Umm.. I'm not sure either actually." You said softly and Yongguk smiled a little at your clumsiness and you bit your lips in embarassment.

"Ka-kamsahamnida." You thanked softly and Yongguk smiled. "Glad i could help." Yongguk said and after getting his things, you showed him to the door. "Th-thanks again." You thanked once more while looking down and he smiled. "You are welcome." He said while smiling.

After wearing his shoes, he looked at you. "Don't get hurt again, araseo and also.. Buy a first-aid kit too." Yongguk slightly nagged and you just nodded, thinking it as an act of kindness from him and once he went to the elevator, you shut the door. *Cute.* Yongguk thought to himself as he chuckled slightly.

A love storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora