The decision

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The next day, you woke up and noticed that Yongguk is still sleeping, making you smile unknowingly. After pecking his cheek lightly, you sat up and slowly got out of bed, afraid of waking him up.

After washing up, you took the envelope that is lying on the table and read it again. *Should i go? I'm not prepared to hear something i hate yet but.. If i don't go.. I will feel bad for eomma.. What to do?* You are deep in thought and not noticing Yongguk walking out of the room or that he's calling you.

You jumped in shock when he tapped your shoulder and you turned to your side to see your boyfriend. "What are you thinking about so deeply?" Yongguk asked as he sat beside you. "Should i go?" You questioned and Yongguk looked at you.

"Do you want to go?" Yongguk questioned back. "Ne but-" "No buts then. Just go because your heart wants to go right?" Yongguk said and you looked down. "Yah.. Why do you like to do things you'll regret later and hate yourself for it? I don't really get it. Just follow what your heart says and you'll be fine." Yongguk said and it touched your heart, making your tears form in your eyes.

"Yongguk-ssi, gomawoyo but.. Will you go with me?" You requested and he agreed almost immediately. "And stop adding the '-ssi'. Call me oppa instead. We are dating, aren't we?" Yongguk said and your face became bright red. "I.. Don't know though.. I've.. Never called anyone that before." You said while playing with your fingers and he gently patted your head.

"Well.. The first step is always scary but.. Once you pass that, it'll be easy." Yongguk said and you nodded. "Umm.. Yongguk.. Op-pa?" You tried and he smiled his gummy smile. "Come on, let's go and eat some breakfast after i bathe, alright?" Yongguk suggested and you agreed while smiling a little, making him ruffle your hair.

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