Take a step at a time

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A few weeks have passed since that day and you still can't forget what Youngjae and Daehyun said. *Why not i take a step at a time?* You thought and nodded to yourself.

It's the day for your tuition and you went to Yongguk's shared apartment, determined. As he is teaching, he was shocked to see you have improved drastically. "Whoa.. What happened? I'm happy that you have improved this much but.. You must have found a course you liked, right?" Yongguk said and you nodded slightly.

"Which school and what course?" Yongguk asked, curious. "Literature.. In.. Seoul University." You said softly but Yongguk heard. "You chose our school, i'm really happy." Yongguk said, beyond ecstatic. "Let's work hard and let you get in then." Yongguk said and you nodded.

Once the tuition ended, you are keeping your things when Yongguk went behind you and gave you a backhug. "You have no idea how happy i am that we'll be in the same school." Yongguk said and you smiled. "Yo, smarty pants! You do know that the two of you will be together for a year only, right?" Himchan spoke out as he walked in.

"Yah Kim Himchan, can you stop interrupting? And you call yourself a romance specalist." Yongguk grumbled as he threw a pillow at his friend which hit Himchan's face. "YAH!" Himchan shouted and threw a pillow at Yongguk which he ducked perfectly.

"Enough with this already. Want to eat dinner with us?" Yongguk invited and Himchan shook his head. "I spent hours yesterday with this girl and i'm beat. Help me buy dinner though." Himchan said and went into his room. Yongguk shook his head while sighing and after taking a hoodie, wallet and phone, he went out with you.

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