Goodbye high school, hello university

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A few months passed and it's already time to take SAT exam. It's late and you are still cramming for the exam. Before you know it, sun is already rising. You hurriedly wore your uniform and packed your notes and pencil case and rushed out of your apartment.

As you are walking to school, you are reading the notes when suddenly, someone grabbed your arm with a strong grip, pulling you, making you lean on the person's body. "Ack!" You shouted, surprised. "Yah! At least do one thing at a time. Do you want to die early?" The male scolded and you know that tone, that voice, all too well.

"Oppa? What are you doing here? What about your school?" You asked, shocked and confused yet thankful. "I'm here to give you my support, pabo. And besides, my class starts in the afternoon." Yongguk said and when you finally looked ahead, you saw that the pedestrian traffic light is a red light. "Can you walk first and read later?" Yongguk said and you blushed slightly out of embarrassment. "Gomawo oppa." You thanked and he ruffled your hair.

Once both of you reached your school gate, he swiftly turned you around and before you know it, something wet is on your lips. "Good luck kiss. Fighting." Yongguk said with a wink and after you hugged him while thanking him, you went in, fully prepared.

A few hours passed and the exam is finally over. When you walked out, you saw Yongguk at the front gates. "Oppa." You squealed as you ran to him and hugged him. "Hmm? Where's oppa's friends?" You questioned, confused. "At the usual hang out with Jonguppie. Since he just ended his SAT too." Yongguk said and you nodded.

Once you and Yongguk arrived, they greeted you and Yongguk casually. "Good luck to the both of you." Himchan and Youngjae said and both you and Jongup thanked them. After eating with Himchan paying, which is a rare chance, all of you went home.

A few months later, the results came out and you are at school, waiting to look at your result with a heavy heart. Once the crowd slowly dispersed with either crying in sorrow or crying with joy, you are the only one left. You slowly tilt your head upwards and finally, after searching your name for a few minutes, you found your name.

*I.. Made it? I made it?! YES! I MADE IT!* You cheered in your head while jumping a little out of joy. You hurriedly texted Yongguk to go to your apartment while you are rushing home.

After changing out of your uniform, you are too excited to watch any anime so you just sat in front of your laptop, waiting for Yongguk. Once he arrived and telling you that he's outside, you opened the door and kissed him right on the lips.

"Whoa.. What happened?" Yongguk asked even though he was happy he got the kiss. "I got in oppa! I got in!" You shouted while jumping up and down like a little kid. "Jinjja? Congratulations." Yongguk congratulated while hugging you. "Oppa, your good luck kiss worked!" You said happily and Yongguk have to hold back his laughter.

*I don't think it's my kiss that helped you though but.. Oh well.* Yongguk thought and when he looked at you, he can't help but break out a smile because you are just too cute in his eyes.

After that, a few months passed in a blink of an eye. After preparing yourself, you went to your house lobby and saw that Yongguk is waiting for you. "Let's go." Yongguk said while stretching his hand and you hold it with a smile while nodding your head.


Hey guys~ This is the end of this fanfic^^ And finally, after writing so many fanfics, i can say that out of all the fanfics i wrote, i personally am happy with this fanfic and finally, i don't really think this is a failure as i personally love this too^^ Thanks for liking, reading and following me^^ Comments, both good or bad, are appreciated^^ Hope all of you like this fanfic too^^

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