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    I'm standing there and he's saying nothing. His green eyes have not left mine,and all I can do is quiver. I shouldn't be feeling like this,but it's undeniable he's here and I'm in trouble. 

 " Ciara come here.''

  His British accent is so sexy, and rough. He's commanding. I get up and I look towards the door I have a way out,but instead I keep moving to him.

 " Yes,'' I reply and I sound so girly and stupid.

 He sits on top of his desk and brings me close, waving his fingers to come closer. I stare into his green eyes and I'm seeing something more. I'm not just a kid to him I'm more. I know this is wrong,but it feels so right. I feel the urging feeling in my sensitive area, and my mouth has gone dry. This is my chance it's now or never. I lean in and his breath hitches as I slowly kiss his neck, and then the bottom of his ear. He's so handsome. His green eye penetrate and I know he's debating whether to do it, I can feel his hands shaking, his breathing changing. He wants me and I want him.

  Would this be so bad if this were to unfold. As soon as I see his change I start to doubt myself, I shouldn't be doing this,but as soon as I pull away his eyes are drawn to me more fiercer then before. Their green glow has gone dark as he moves from my eyes to my mouth. Oh fuck.  

 I hear him whisper and those words ring in my ear,'' Fuck this.''

  He says and grabs me by my hips and his lips are on mine. I finally feel more. I want it and I don't know if the light will burn out. 

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