Chapter Five

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 Two hours later and my mom is in the dressing room once again. Three department stores and two boutiques and we have three bags full of stuff for her. Who is the teen here? 

  " Mom this is pointless there's nothing here for me, nothing will cover me,'' I say over the door and she comes out rolling her eyes. A simple purple maxi dress and she still looks beautiful. She can stir a crowd. 

 " Ciara look around don't give up. C'mon what about this one,'' she pulls a random red dress off the rack. It isn't horrible,but when she turns it around the back is an open slit and I touch my shoulders. I shake my head and her head drops. Coming towards me she rubs me by the neck and gently kisses my cheek.

 " What did I say these don't define you, now go look for something your friend may like,'' she tells me and she's back in the dressing room taking a peach colored dress with her. I laugh and she does too.

 Looking around I'm not seeing anything I like. None that can cover my back or the color silver and as I go through the rack I jump at the sight of two blue eyes. What the hell?

  " Thought I recognized your voice,'' Ty says with a snooty remark. 

 I look over me and Evan is no one near. Why is he here?

 " Shouldn't you be at school Ty, and where's Evan,'' I ask curious. 

  " I have a free period from my session and Evan is at school being a good lad. Now might I say that color is not yours,'' he says pointing to the gold dress I stopped at. I push more clothes so they're blocking his view to mine and he looks over. 

  " Ty what do you want,'' I say agitation in my voice. I'm getting really annoyed. 

  " Oh nothing I just wanted to check up on the girl who'll be accompanying Evan that's all,'' he murmurs and he comes closer towards me. He comes around and his back is agaisn't mine.

  " Ty where the hell are you getting at with this. This is weird,'' I say and his eyes are wide. Don't think about Shawn don't. I say it again and again.

 " Ciara your a pretty girl of course I'd be trying to get close,but I'm wondering what cost are you,'' he says with a wolfish grin and I feel uncomfortable. I shove him away.

 " Honey, are you alright,'' I hear my mom's voice from the back from the back and I silently say yes. When I look back Ty's grin has not left and his brows are raised.

  " You'll come around and here this is more your suit,'' he says handing me a sliver dress. He takes a step back and out he goes swirling his keys around his fingers and whistling out. I look at the dress and I  can't help,but bite my lip. It is pretty. I knock on my mom's dressing door and tell her I've found one with her thumb up I go into a room and undress.


  I rub the fabric and I rub my shoulders. He picked out a dress with lace for the bust and it covers my shoulders. I look up at myself and I see myself dancing with Evan in it. I see something coming out of it and I feel brave. The fabric is tight around my hips and even though I'm skinny it still makes me look like I have a silhouette.  It's all the way to the floor and I look once more and my smile is more brighter then I've seen myself in months. This time will different, I promised mom. 

Coming out my mom is out of her dresses and sitting crossed leg waiting for me. When her brown eyes meet mine she gasps.

  " Where's Ciara is she still in the dressing room,'' she asks sarcastically and I laugh with her. She comes and brings me forward again towards the long mirror and her smile is brighter then mine. 

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