Chapter Nine

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 " Well hello beautiful I know we don't have our date until tomorrow,but I wanted to know if you wanted to come out for tea perhaps,'' he voice soothes my thoughts. Evan is so energetic as he says every word with pure excitement.  I look at the clock and it's almost noon I've been asleep all morning. I need a wake up call.

  " Why of course Evan. I would love to,'' I excitingly say. And rushing out of bed he tells me he's coming to pick me up and I tense knowing he must know where I live from Ty. I hang up and look over to my wardrobe. What to wear for tea?  Pulling on some comfy jeans I look towards the bag that I haven't gone near . Prada stand s out in silver and I peer  into the bag. Pulling out a sliver colored turtles neck and looking outside I smile. Gloria has good taste. I splash a bit of perfume on and I'm out in the livingroom.

  " You seem better today then yesterday might I ask why,'' she asks smiling. My moms sipping coffee and reading a book. That's a first.

  " I'm going for tea with Evan,'' I say almost too enthusiastically and her motherly instincts reflect as she smirks. 

  " With the boy you went to the dance with. How sweet,'' she says coming around the island and looking up and down at me. 

  " New clothes, and perfume I see,'' she squints and I nod. I'm not telling her where I got them from. Before anymore inquisitions I hear the door knock and I smile. Saved again. Opening the door he looks so much younger then seventeen. Dressed in slender jeans, and a loose black tee shirt and a beanie hiding his golden locks I want to blush.

  " Wow you look nice,'' he murmurs and I see why my mom is standing there.

  " So this is the boy who has my daughter smiling and blushing most the time,'' she says extending her hand and I nudge her. She gives me a scowl and I roll my eyes. Evan looks towards her then me and I know mom is just trying to make this awkward.

  " Be back okay Ciara and Evan you keep your hands to yourself she's fragile,'' she says and now know I'm red. His eyes widen and I want to shout at her,but instead look up at her and then to him. Leaving out the door my mom peers outside and I wave her back. She blows me a kiss and I want to flip her off badly.  

  " Be safe,'' she yells out and I give her a thumbs up instead. 

  " Your mum seems very protective of you,'' he inquires and I nod my head rapidly. He has no idea. In front of my house is a small Honda and as we get in I can't help,but feel lifted. This seems normal, like this should be what I should of gotten all along. We drive off and head down to the small shop my mom and I have gone to. 


  The smell of jasmine fills my nostrils and the assortment of pastries. Looking around we sit by the window and order. I order my favorite Twinings English Breakfast tea to which Evan looks in disgust and I want to laugh. I use to drink heavy so why now with tea.  Evan orders himself a green tea and blueberry muffin.  After ordering is when he clasps his hands together and looks at me serious.

  " Now tell me a bit about yourself,'' he asks and I tense. Already we're asking the hard questions.

  " Well depends on what you want to know because I'm not like other girls. I wasn't born into the perfect family hell I don't know what perfect is Evan,'' I state and I start to bite my lip. I'm nervous.

  " How was life back home,'' he asks and curiosity fills his eyes.

  " Back home was filled with fights, drugs, alcohol, and therapy Evan. I will not sugar coat it and tell you lies because my life was that. My friends were trouble makers and only cared about themselves, I only really had my mom,'' as I say it I try to look at him where his thoughts are going or what he's thinking about me now.

SeventeenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang