Chapter Twenty-Two

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My eyes open adjusting to the light coming through the curtain and my first sight is to Harry's head laying across my bare chest. I stroke his head and he stirs,but doesn't wake. My thoughts go to last nights events, all the chaos made in a single night, Evan, Ty, Charles, his secret, and what's left to be revealed. I exhale contemplating am I ready to hear what he else he has to say. I try to brush it out as I recall he painful deceleration that he loved me, he actually said the L word. I brush my hand over his head slightly and his head lifts, his eyes blinking. Bright green eyes stare up at me with no emotion I can read.

" Good morning baby, sleep well,'' his voice husky and rough. He lays staring up at me his hand stroking my arm. The softness of my skin and the rough callus from the wounds he sustained from hitting Charles sends goosebumps everywhere.

" I'm fine. Are you alright,'' I question and his smile turns into a hard line. I know he doesn't want to reflect back to yesterdays events,but I need to know where he is, what's his mind thinking.

" We can't dwell on yesterdays happenings. Now get up you need to be at school and I need to get to work,'' he states with no amount of emotion. So he's going to be cold this morning. He immediately gets up and his naked body guides my curious mind to the artwork before me. All the ink covered by simple material and I get to touch it, I squirm under the sheets.

" Harry I don't want to go to school,'' I say sadly knowing I just don't want to. I'm not up for seeing Evan or possibly Charles's devil spawn. He looks at me hands crossed in front and still bare.

" Why is that,'' he coldly says and I'm staring down at my shaking hands.

" You know why. I'm going back to bed,'' I huff and cover myself pulling my gown and bra down with it. My whole body is covered and I feel like crying,but stop myself. I hear shuffling and in a swift movement the blanket is yanked free from me and he crawls back on the bed. I try to cover my face,but he immediately grabs my hands and places on both sides of my head.

" Well if you don't want to go that means we have a few minutes,'' he seductively discloses and I'm already panting,but my brain clicks on.

" Harry, please there's been so much going on,'' I sadly say knowing what I'm saying will have him angry. I want him,but my mind is corrupted by the stupid accusations and lies. When I look up his expression has changed and his lustful manner has been swept away. He releases his grip and gathers himself. His tension flexes through his arms as he runs a hand through his hair.

" Why are you thinking about it? This isn't your problem,'' he growls and I'm taken back. He grabs his boxers from the floor and pulls them up and I'm staring at him, he's angry.

" It became my problem when Ty and his father came after me. I want you,but I need you to tell me everything,'' I argue and he scowls. I'm lighting the fuse to his flame.

" I'm not doing this now, nor' will you understand. Discussion over,'' he says putting his hand up in defeat and I get up pacing towards him. He stands back,but I grab his face stroking his jaw line.

" Why are you shutting me out,'' I stare at him and his eyes drop. He shakes his head and I see him breaking once again. He detaches my hands.

" I'm going to shower, you do what you like,'' he coldly says and leaves leaving silence in his wake. I stand there as he slams the bathroom door making me jump. I look onward and hear shuffling and then something break,but I fight the urge to look, I fight the urge to open and see him broken. I walk towards the door and pick up the panties he had taken off me. Only in my nightgown I walk downstairs and finally I cry, I let the tears fall. My deep sadness if not understanding, not knowing what's to come, and not knowing if the man I love will actually confine in me. I've been pushed away once and I don't want to feel that again. I hear buzzing and I see that my phone is on the floor. I apparently dropped it. The caller ID shows my mom and I scared.

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