Chapter Twenty

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       * Harry's P.O.V *


     I look into the mirror and I've noticed the change in myself from the less of self doubting and heartache and all because of her. From the hurt I've felt for what seems like a lifetime and she was able to start picking up the pieces. I always told myself I'd never love again nor would anyone want me,but I've lied to myself. She smiles every time she sees me, she cries because of what she over thinks, she cares for me,but I almost feel as if this is an illusion and soon Ciara will be a figment of my imagination. I look up and I start shaking my head since she spilled into my class she reminded me so much of her. Mia was both proud and had a lot of self esteem,but to see Ciara not know she's loved, cared for, and my treasure is the best thing I've ever seen. I smile and the thought of her makes my heart yearn for her.  I know it'll be hard for me to get past the blame that hangs over my cold heart and head,but inch by inch Ciara's bringing me to light,but that boy and him are making it tough.  I stretch my shirt down,but I'm interrupted by my phone ringing in the study. My heart fills with everything it's her.

   "Ello loves I've been waiting," I spit out before I'm interrupted by laughter. Shit!

    "Why isn't it my good buddy Harry. I don't remember ever being called love," his disgusting voice spills from my phone and I want to hang up,but I'm wondering how he got my number.

   "Before you ask anything I was wondering where that pretty little thing is. If I remembered it was Ciara right," he says laughing and I want to yell. My mind recollecting are arguments and for some reason tears prick my eyes in remembrance of Mia. Fuck!

  " Why do you want to know," I growl into the phone and again  he laughs.

   "Come on Harry lighten up I was always the jokester. But tell me where's your little slut of a student," he says and I'm beyond the boiling point.

   " You listen here I told you not to get near me, nor did I tell you to contact me after our discussion  now fuck off,"I'm agitated and firmly I want to crush  my own phone.

   " Harry there's so much we haven't resolved you know that for a fact and soon you'll pay for what happened. She wasn't just yours Styles she was mine and you took her from me. You'll see sooner or  later that you should of left her alone,but I'll let you see at the gala when I get little Ciara wrapped around my finger," he laughs again and now I'm way above. All the anger I've been holding in releases and I know I'm yelling and it bit to loud that I don't hear the garage begin to open.

   " I don't know what you're getting at but Mia chose me she always chose me," I yell into the phone and his sarcasm is infuriating me.

 " You think she's was all yours I cared for her just as much as you did so don't give me that shit. She wasn't just yours and you'll pay Styles. Ciara looks similar to Mia is that why you couldn't wait to fuck her," he snarls into the phone every ounce of my heart is twisting.

  " Fuck you, I'm telling you this now stay away or you'll be sorry. I have enough money than you to make you wish you didn't call me," I threaten and all he does is laugh and I know that if he were standing in front of me he'd be bleeding.


  The familiar scenery makes my eyes spring to life and my heart beats faster. Adam drives into the garage and the familiar smell comes to my nostrils. His home is like a hotel always fresh and always new. Adam escorts me inside and I look around for any sign of Harry,but instead all I hear is the disarming angry voice yelling from upstairs.

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