Chapter Sixteen

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     Waking up next to him I finally saw vulnerability as his eyes were closed and his lips pressed into a hard line. I looked over and the time read 6:30 I still had time to admire the man in front of me. His soft breathing up and down. He was beautiful,but broken and I wanted to know why. I swung my leg over the bed and winced my legs were still getting used to having Harry in between them and I smiled,but couldn't get off as his hand latched onto my hip. 

      " Where are you going,'' he said groggily and he opened one eye. One clear green emerald eye.  

    " I was going to get cleaned up and get dressed for school as should you,'' I inquired and he sat up running his hands into his hair. His hair went everywhere and I just wanted to pull on it and make him moan.  He exhaled and came near me pressing soft kisses to my neck and  could feel his breath heavy and warm. 

   " Let's take a shower,'' he whispered and I nodded my head. 

    He got up from the bed and I couldn't held,but giggle as his behind was the first thing I saw. His was so structurally perfect and I couldn't believe he was mine and I was truly his. He strolled inside and I could hear the water being turned on,but not before my phone rang. Shit mom.

    " Ciara, do you need me to get you,'' she asked immediately.

   " No, no, Evan's mom is again taking me she's too sweet,'' I said trying to sound cheery when I was no where near that.

   She told me a few things and that i should be home after school and this time I promised,but I didn't know if I would keep it again.  I suddenly heard a knock and I look towards the door,but instead it was Harry who watched from the frame of the door.  I look up and his hair was matted with droplets of water and a towel wrapped around him. 

    " Waiting we only have minutes to waste love,'' he said extending his arm. I throw my phone and scurry of to him and he picks me up instead and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal and he laughs. I finally hear a sound I've never heard before and we head into the hot shower.


    After this morning my mind isn't really into the lesson were learning and I just want to get to English,but then it hits me I have to let go of Evan. I know it'll be bad,but he deserves better then second best.  My heart lurches foreword during math,but it has to be done.  I wait and wait and all I hear is the voice of my teacher and I slowly fall asleep. I hate math.

    The bell wakes me and I'm out immediately and the same goes for my other classes before p.e and then lunch and this will my downfall. Walking into the cafeteria I'm in desperate need for Evan and I see him sitting with Ty. He's a damn bug that won't go away,but I see he was actually telling the truth because as he talks he's not listening.  When his head whips back and sees me his glum look is happy and I know I'm about to break the only thing that I know was safe.  As he walks up I see Ty scowling and looking directly towards me. He pounds on the table and slings his backpack over and runs out. I don't know what has him scared or mad,but I don't care. He grabs my hand and leads me outside smiling with his coffee brown eyes.

    " I've missed you, '' he whispers as he leans in to kiss me,but I can't and look down. His lips connect with my forehead and he's speechless. Fuck.

    " Evan I like you you, know I do,but I'm done hurting you. We can't be anything more than friends,'' I painfully say and his arms fall from my shoulders and he's questioning everything I say.

   " Ciara, why are you making this difficult. We both like each other why are you pushing me away,'' he asks running his fingers through his hair and I see he's shaking. He makes this so hard.

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