Chapter Seventeen

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    I look down at my plate and all I can do is try to avoid eye contact,but I'm making it real obvious. 

     " Love, you haven't said a word since we came here. Are you alright,'' he asks touching my hand and I flinch making him gasp and I finally realize my mistake.  I look up and his eyes are worry and he's thinking.

   " I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean that I'm just worried about somethings,'' I say half truth and half lie as my heart beats quicker. I feel myself tense as I explain that I'm worried about Ella and mom, finals, and Evan,but I never bring up the real reason and I'm stupid. He grabs for my hand again and this time I'm not dumb enough to flinch again. 

    " Well Ciara, its you and I right now focus on that,'' he lightly says placing his lips to the back of my hand. A smile tugs,but won't appear and I try to eat what's on my plate. I see that Harry is okay,but seems more paler than usual and then I recall that he'll be telling me the truth,but I'm actually fearing it now. I was so caught up with wondering I thought he'd actually never tell me,but now that it's here and he's actually trying I'm petrified. I feel myself wince in my lower region and excuse myself from the table heading to the bathroom. The bathroom is empty and seems almost untouched and when I get there the pain goes away and I'm left wondering. What to do? What to think? And do I say something? He warned me and Evan said he had money so I don't know how much leverage I have on a prick like Ty. The thought comes to mind and the buzzing from my phone alerts me. Two missed calls from mom and one call from an unknown number. I splash water on my face and call my mom to make sure she doesn't kill me and as I get off the phone I wonder who's the other call and I wonder if it's Evan. Dialing the number I'm crossing my fingers that he'll forgive me and say we can be friends,but when he answers I want to die.

     " You're persistent are you,'' his cocky attitude slurs through the phone and I'm about to vomit.

     " How the fuck did you get my number Ty,'' I yell into the phone and I look at the door which has an old lady backing out of it and I know I'm being loud. I lock the door and make sure not to have another interruption. I hear him laugh and it's the most creepy thing I've heard in a long time.

    " Ah Ciara, it's funny what a few dollars can get you or find out about a person. And wow you are interesting and your track record and juvenile record are something I would of never guessed,'' he says and I wince as the shocker comes to mind. He payed someone to find something about me and he now knows about everything,but I still don't get why I'm his target.

    ' Why me, what the fuck did I do to you,'' I shout and all I can hear is his laugh and I'm about to throw my phone against the wall.

    " It's not what you did to me, it's what you're going to give me Ciara because not only did that fucker shove me against the lockers,but you don't know it,but I've known you for a very long time,'' he almost whispers it,but God is it awful.

    " I don't know you, I barely met you,'' I shout once more and the tears I'm chocking back is making it hard to talk.

    " Ding-Ding-Ding, you are fucking wrong. You perhaps known a dear friend of mine back in Florida by the names of Collin and Shawn, Ciara,'' and I feel like fainting. He knows Shawn, not my Shawn not him.

    '' You're lying. You read my files and records you probably found that out,'' I say trying to contemplate whether Ty is making it up. My heart is breaking bit by bit.

   " Should I read the files for your ears to hear foolish girl,'' he asks and clears his throat and I listen with open ears and an almost broken heart.

    " Ciara Cameron, Collin Ekko, and Shawn Ackerman arrested for disorderly conduct and possession of prescription drugs, file under Collin Ekko for suspicion of stolen vehicle and Ciara Cameron for underage drinking.  Also if I may add I can also tell you that Shawn and Collin are friends of mine when they used to live in England for summers. Shawn's mother was a friend of my fathers so I should know who Shawn is especially when he met you and told me so much about you. When Evan came to me talking about you I wondered if it was the same Ciara, Shawn had always spoke about,but now I know and you're the person who's going to fix it, and give me what I want Ciara,'' he says and I want to die in that moment. I recall being in the back of the cop car crying,but not for getting caught,but because I didn't have Shawn with me and the mention of Collin made me want to puke. This wasn't fair,but I still wondered where I fit into the equation. 

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