Chapter Twenty-One

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* Harry's P.O.V*

I'm standing there frozen and she's confused. The striking blue eyes sitting at the bar with the plastered coy smile makes me want to run with Ciara. She'll freak out, she'll leave me if she sees him. I start to slowly crumble going back to the panic Styles I use to be. I almost start to shake.

" Harry are you alright,'' she whispers up to me, but I have no words. I thought he had learned his lesson,but the bandage on his forehead tells me he hasn't. I grab her and start her towards the crowd telling her to stay put near the paintings in the corner and she nods,but I see the worry,but I assure it'll be short and I'll be back. I leave her and through the crowd faces turn to me,but my head is on the boy that I want to beat the shit out of. He sits crossed legged with a drink in his hand and I try to resist the urge to grab a bottle and hit him over the head with it.

" Well, well isn't it the famous Harry Styles or should I say teacher fucker,'' he says announcing my presence without turning. He gulps down the glass and when he turns the mask is on his head and his left eye is still black.

" Talk now,'' I fight the urge to yell.

" What would you like me to say Mr.Styles? Let's start with the fact you're fucking on of your students or how about why you left your last job,'' he spills and my anger is over shot. I'm trying,but I'm on the brink of self destruct.

" Why the fuck are you here,'' I silently growl and he asks for another drink.

" I'm here to enjoy the atmosphere, drink the booze, see the art and watch my father screw you over,'' he acknowledges and I can't control my anger and my arms lunge for him,but instead I grab his collar pulling him up.

" I told you stay away from her what has she done to you? And what man brought you onto this earth,'' I scowl in anger and he gives me sly smile the devils little helper.

" Don't be blind Mr.Styles you've been speaking to him for two weeks after he saw you at that restaurant. I'm Tyler Tomson known as Ty and I'm Charles Tomson's son,'' he says almost like a declaration and I drop him immediately. My heart starts to race and my face is frozen.

" You're a liar. Charles has no children,'' I try to say serious,but my voice is weak and I feel faint.

" Well my father wasn't going to sulk over that girl Mia forever. He had to move on and nine months later I was the product,but it seems to me when I found out about you it seemed that father has made an enemy out of you,'' he says downing the last of his second drink. He's only seventeen and he acts like a man a disturbed and I see the similarity other than the fact he has blue eyes and Charles has brown soulless ones. He is the mirror image of the man that I loathe, he's just like Charles. Then it dawns on me that if he's here where that fuck is he.

" Where the fuck is your lowlife father,'' I snarl and he laughs. His eyes dancing with joy of my pain.

" I don't know,but I will say maybe it wasn't so wise to leave her alone,'' his voice echoing in my ears. Fuck! I feel the cold reality hit me this is what Charles planned to do he told me on the phone and I didn't listen.

" You're the boy that almost ruined Ciara for the fourth time and I swear if he ends up hurting her you'll pay for his mistake,'' I growl and as I try to leave he grabs my shoulder. I don't turn around fearing the smirk across his face.

" You can say all you want Styles,but my father told me you run from your mistakes and you ran from what happened to Mia..." he starts,but my anger reaches a new high. I don't realize that my fist has connected with his jaw and he's on the ground holding his hand to his face. I look up blinking at the shock faces staring at me,but while everyone looks at me one thing reaches my attention and my heart stops. Everyone is staring at me,but a pair of brown eyes behind a silver mask are not. I'm looming over everyone and she's not sitting in the corner. I run my fingers in my hair tugging in fury she's not fucking there, she's with Charles.

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