Chapter Ten

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 * Two Weeks After *

    " Why won't you come to class Ciara,'' he scolds at me as I stop at the steps again. Evan looks down as  I look up. I can't go up not just yet. I've been able to avoid him since the park incident and I'd like to leave it like that. Dodging his calls and making sure to keep above the line. I feel as if I've given him an excuse to come after me and I don't know if I'm wrong or right.

  " You've used every excuse in the book Ciara. What's todays,'' he asks and comes back down and holds my hands in his. Two weeks after our first date and I was confined to thinking I screwed up,but it was amazing and adorable. I can still recall the feel of his lips on mine after I came home. Of course when he roamed around my back it stiffened me. He didn't notice,but I didn't tell him.  He did almost fell going up my steps and it reminded me of how clumsy I am. He's perfect,but I know I'm not. For these past days Evan has been a reward and new beginning,but I can't shake the feeling that maybe it's too good to be true.

    I look up and he's still waiting for me.

  " Evan it'd be better if I didn't and for the sake of the both of us go to class,'' I say and he strokes my cheek with his thumb. I know he's trying to figure out what I mean,but  instead he slips his hand to back of my neck and connects our lips. His kisses are so feathery and light and they feel so special. 

  " You're a mystery Ciara and I loving every minute of it,'' he says and kisses my cheek and heads back up. I look onward and I smile so that he doesn't see me frown. " Get it together Cameron'' my conscious is yelling at me.  My phone rings and I pick it up not even looking at the number.

  " Hello,'' I say weakly.

  " Get to the parking lot now Ms.Cameron,'' he commands and I freeze. Two weeks of nothing and he decides now.

   " Aren't you in class,'' I ask and he laughs.

 " It's called a substitute now get outside or I'll come get you,'' he says and hangs up. I quickly start moving seeing how he picked me up the last time I didn't do what I was told. 


  He stands beside his car with legs crossed and sunglasses covering his eyes. He looks to me with a scowl. Oh shit he's mad. He waves for me to get in and I wonder if I do will I get out. Sitting inside he doesn't turn it on or anything else for that matter. His grasp the wheel and his knuckles are white.

  " What did I tell you. Not to play games and what do you do you play games. How is it right to not come to my class for two fucking weeks Ciara,'' he shouts at me and my eyes widen. He's my teacher and nothing more,but he's acting like it. I don't say anything as I'm too shocked to think.

  " You may think that I'm crazy,but how am I supposed to think everythings normal when you avoid me. I've seen you many times with Mr.Myers and I can see something off about how you are with him, is it me,'' he asks and soon my attention is brought on.

 " You have no right to ask me that. I like Evan and that's all. Why do you keep pressing on Mr.Styles this is wrong and you know it,'' I shout back,but for some reason my heart lurches forward. His knuckles are snow white as he clutches the cars wheel. 

  " You're seventeen and very mature for your age. You know as well as me you feel it too don't just confine it that's it just me,'' he says finally turning to face me with glasses still on. Without his eyes I don't know what he's thinking and that's the only thing that scares me. 

  " Mr.Styles why are you still trying I've shown you to leave it alone,'' I say and I can feel tears wanting to form, but why? 

  " I can't that's my problem,'' he says and connects his lips with mine. Are lips collide and I feel it once more the adrenaline and desperation. We've only kissed three times and each have given me a spark that hasn't been put out. He pants more and more and I feel it below my stomach the knot forming. It's true I like Mr.Styles more than I care to admit. His lips start to trail my jaw planting small kisses and I'm leaning against the window of the car.  I want this more than ever and I don't feel scared like I did with Shawn or Ty. It's real,but how? I plow my tongue into his mouth and I don't let go this is too good. My hands fist in his hair and he groans into our kiss. This is the most turned on thing I've ever felt. He pulls back and his glasses have fallen and now I see his green, dark, glassy eyes with pure lust. 

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