Chapter Thirteen

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 The drive home seems longer than before,but then again we weren't at the hotel I was at his house. Replaying everything is like a dream,but I still love every minute of it. I turn to him and his eyes are towards the road not me.  The music plays softly and I turn it up.  

   " Who's singing,'' I ask and he turns to me his green eyes soft. 

  " Nina Simone, Feeling good it kind of shares what I'm feeling right now,'' he murmurs and I pout my lips into a smile. God he's perfect,but why is it he seems so closed off.

   " Sleep in peace when day is done, That's what I feel, And this old world is a new world, And a bold world For me" she sings and I feel enticed. It's like her words are telling what happened for the first time and what I can do. I look towards the road and from the corner I see Harry glancing at me. Perfect.


  We near my house and he stops at the corner and the car comes to a stop.

   " I rather you walk from here just in case your mom sees,'' he whispers and I agree with him. I did say I'd be with Evan not Mr.Styles. I start to climb out of the car when he pulls me to his lap.

   " I already miss you and you haven't gotten out of the car,'' he softly breathes as he presses his lips to mine. God they are so plump and lushes. My fingers pull at his hair and he groans in my mouth.

   " Don't start something I won't be able to finish,'' he says through breaths and I know what he means. I blush at the thought and the lust in his eyes turn to worry. What is he thinking?

   " You are coming back to class,'' he says and I nod not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes anymore. He kisses the back of my hand and starts the car again. God him and his mood-swings. I open the door and I look at him once more playing this flirtatious game trying to lighten the mood.

   " Thanks for the ride Mr.Styles,'' I say and now he's the one quivering in the seat. 

    " I'll see you at seven baby,'' and his wolfish grin is back. As he leaves I feel my heart fluttering and my legs almost jello. God he will be the death of me. Walking not far from the house I anticipate what's awaiting and I hope my mom isn't angry with me.


  Opening the door I see the tv on and Spongebob's voice is everywhere. The tv is too loud, lowering it I look around and everything is normal, but where's mom and Ella. Just as I question I hear the clicking of heels.

   " Ciara,'' she comes around the island and embraces me. Her smile tracing everywhere and the tearful woman I saw go to bed is gone. My mom is back to herself.

   " Where is she,'' I ask quietly and like that she comes tiptoeing to us in her twinkle pink shoes. Her pigtails are down and put into a braid and she looks more and more like me when I was younger. 

   " Ello Ciara,'' her speech is cute as she's taking part in the accent here. Her hello's replaced with an E. I look down and her eyes are glowing.

  " Ella can you go watch tv while I talk with mommy,'' I ask and she nods her head going and sitting on the couch. 

  " Mom did he come back,'' I ask nervously and she pulls me into the kitchen.

  " Ella told me everything, he's doing it again. The reason he wanted to take Ella was because she's old enough to know what's right and wrong and William is back to his old selfish ways. He's always had this imagination that he's a good father when he's far from that he's been hitting his new wife in front of Ella and it's not pretty,'' she sadly says and I can't help,but know she's telling the truth. I don't remember much,but I do remember bruises on my mom's arms when I was younger and when he left they disappeared. I knew all along they weren't because of a door. 

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