Chapter Six

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  Jolting up I see I'm in bed and my mom is standing outside the door. Beautiful face put on, a killer dress with matching pumps.

  " You'll be late if you sleep in honey,'' she replies and she teases me. 

 Getting up I shrug on a jacket, pants and my converse. I grab a piece of bread and I'm out the door. The dance is today and it'll be the first in months. Memories cry to come in,but I'm mentally hitting myself to not start now and not today. Walking to school I picture Evan in a silver suit with a bright mask. His brown eyes, the only thing I'll see as the brightness of his blonde locks caress his face. I shutter at the thought and soon I'm in class giggling at myself. 


 I scribble down notes when I hear everyones head turns to the tapping sound.

 " Sorry to disturb you Ms.Dawson,but I need a Ms.Cameron in the English Lit session really quick,'' a man with grey hair and a pointed nose asks. I know who's calling and I'm scared that I'm in trouble.

 Going up the stairs I feel like a five year old who just got in trouble for a pulling a girls hair. When we get there he opens the door and I'm waved in. 

  " Ms.Cameron please sit,'' he tells me softly and the air feels lifted I thought I was in trouble. 

 " I was hoping to know where was my favorite student yesterday since the topic of the day was one of my favorites,'' he says glancing at me then at the bored.

  " Why is it when someone disappears the spark dies out" the board says. This was the topic and his green eyed stare scares me. 

  " Well I'm sorry I missed it. I was out with my mom and well she told me you called why's that Mr.Styles,'' I ask and now I'm the one questioning. 

 His mouth turns into a sly smile and I can't help,but feel the air coming back harder. 

  " Well like I said I was wondering. Your mum is very pleasant. And before I let you go back to class I would like to know your view on the topic,'' he asks pointing at the board.  When he turns around he's thumping his desk and I feel really awkward. Getting up I stand in front not letting his gaze break me.

  " Well I think that when someone is lost or in love they feel that spark or sorrow. It works both ways the spark is there no matter what,but no one can take it it, only slowly dies because it can no longer be lit. Without that special person what's the point of trying. Like my favorite book says " Oblivion is inevitable." Finally done he nods his head and clasps his hands together. 

  " Such a small girl with a very bright future and I'm intrigued. Now that will be all see you at the dance Ciara,'' he says putting more emphasis on my name. He'll be at the dance. 


  Day goes slower than usual that when the lunch bell rings I'm out the door before my teacher gives me permission. Showing up Evan is sitting down as usual and I look around. No sign of Ty. Weird.

  " Evan hows your day,'' I say and he turns around with a bright smile. 

  " Now that you're here I'm having a swell day. Ty isn't her apparently the flu he's a foolish wanker if you ask me,but enough about him did you find a dress,'' he asks taking a bite out of a juicy red apple. I look at him and it's like looking at a statue he's so beautiful to look at and a bit of the nectar is spilling from his mouth. I sweep it with my finger and taste it. Evan and apple juice go together well. His eyes are sparked and his shy smile comes out. 

  " To answer yes I have I found it yesterday. Are you ready for tonight,'' I ask and he nods quickly. He must be excited. 

  " My last girlfriend left me before I could ask. For some reason Ty told me she tried to put the moves on him,but I'm glad she did because now I get to take you,'' he smiles and I can't help,but feel that Ty has done a lot of things. Girls should stick to him like glue how is he the reject. 

SeventeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora