Chapter Three

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Getting out of school I feel the weight evaporate. I've made it my first day at Holmes Chaple and I actually made a friend with a cute boy. I pull out my phone and I have two missed calls from mom and I wonder what for. Dialing her number I hear the buzzing,but no answer. I don't want to walk,but it may be my only option. I turn around and accidentally spill coffee all over the stranger and me.

 " I'm so sorry,'' I say panting and the coffee was hot and fresh.  I look up and it's him. He won't give up.

" On the other hand take that coffee and shove it down your wind pipe,'' I say and try to walk away. Mom will be furious when she finds out. He grabs me by the hand and I roll my eyes. It's time for the sappy daddy issue story.

 " Ciara listen to me I'm not who you think I am,'' he says and his eyes aren't facing me. 

 Again I roll my eyes and I shake my head. Fuck this!

 " I haven't seen you for seventeen years who do you think I should see you as. You are no saint and you sure as hell aren't my dad now leave me and mom alone,'' I scream at him and now I'm beginning to feel what my mom's been feeling.

 His eyes are wide and so are mine. 

 " Sweetie you have to hear me out your mother didn't tell you the whole truth,'' he's saying with pleading eyes. I bite my lip and look up as if I'm thinking when in fact I'm not thinking about anything.

 " You have no right to give me sweetie. I don't need to hear about what was the past when you were nowhere in it now shove it,'' I say and try to wave him away.  He grabs me by the hand again and this time I feel like screaming. This day was to perfect to believe. 

 " Get your hands off the girl.''

I hear from behind and Mr.Styles is walking towards my dad. His boots hit the gravel and all I can think is thank you God. My dad releases his grip and stumbles back startled. 

 " Ciara are you alright? Do you know this man,'' he asks gravely concerned and he scowls in my dads direction.

 I frown and shake my head knowing what I'm about to say will crush him.

 " I don't know him and I don't want to please get him away from me,'' I say looking up at him and he scowls at him once more. 

 " Now sir either you can leave this young girl alone or I can get security your choice.''

My dad takes two steps back and he grasps his chest. I've hurt him and he's done it to me for seventeen years. Payback is cruel.  He walks off and he's silent. No dad of mine would of walked off peacefully my mother was right he's nothing.

 His suit is stained with coffee as he gets into his nice Mercedes. All that money and no child support. I shake my head as his words shuffle in. How do I understand a man that doesn't understand himself and his words? He leaves and I'm left with Mr.Styles who's staring as my dad leaves.  I look towards him and he finally looks at me.

 " Thank you Mr.Styles,but you didn't have to do that I had it under control,'' I try to say,but even I don't believe it.  

He scowls and smirks. 

 " My dear girl, he had you pretty tightly I was not about to just watch now who is supposed to be picking you up,'' he says and I'm entranced with his voice. How slow and low it is.

 " My mother she is probably out and about,but she'll be here soon I'll just wait here,'' saying as I pat the steps.  He looks at me more thoroughly and I feel almost exposed. 

 " Not after what I just saw come I'll give you lift. It may be unconventional,but this can be our secret,'' he says and he waves for me to come. I narrow my eyes and as he walks off. I know with every step he's waiting for mine to follow I laugh and pounce off.  We go around the school and I see only one car in the whole lot. And I'm in aw. 

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