Chapter Eleven

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My heart flutters at the thought he actually came. I walk over and place my hand on my cheek to make sure he doesn't notice. Opening the door cracking it open I see daylight descending and he's leaning against the frame with worried green eyes.

  " Ciara are you alright,'' his voice low and scared. I nod and tell him to wait on the steps. He nods and I shut the door. I press the door shut and my conscious and heart are jumping on opposite directions. One wants him and the other is saying I'm a dumbass and I agree with her. Walking to my mom's room to lie and say I'll be leaving with Evan my feet freeze.  The sight I see as the door cracks open is an image only to be painted.  Her arms are wrapped around Ella and the both of them are sound asleep. Her cheeks are stained with tears and I know my mom cried herself to sleep. Fucken William. I slowly close the door and softly smile I knew she'd always be a good mother.  I quickly run to my room and write her a note telling her I left to Evan's to have peace and I place it on my bed. She'll find it and call.

   Walking back to the door my brain slowly expects Harry to be gone,but no he's still there. 

  " Ready love,'' he slowly says as his smile tilts. I nod in response and I let him lead the way. I just need a person to talk to and an escape. That's all I need. " And something more'' my conscious adds and I shake my head. Wrong. Getting into the car he turns to me and I turn my face I don't want him seeing my face just yet trying to let the swelling go down. We drive away and I look back to my house, Ella and my mom are safe and I'm in my own little world.

   " Are you going to tell me why you called me,'' he asks not taking his eyes off the road, but I look up. His features are more seen in the glare of the fading sun. His green eyes bright, his perfect jawline, dimples that dive into his cheeks, flared nose and the little crease he has. It's to perfect to be in one man. 

  " Can I tell you when we reach where we are going,'' I say weak and tired. I didn't notice how extremely tired I was and I start to close my eyes. From the corner his thumb strokes my cheek and he softly murmurs a tune. 

  " You're so beautiful,'' is the last thing I hear as my eyes close and I'm lost in solace. How beautiful a world is without noise. 


   " Ciara we are here,'' he says shaking me awake and the sight is astounding. I've only been in that bedroom and I thought that was his home. The visions are blurred as the massive house in front of me is surprising and I can't help,but feel that my heart might go out. What the hell does this man do?

   " This is your house,'' I exclaim and my surprising voice makes him laugh.

  " You don't miss much do you,'' he says as the car enters the garage and the bright lights are flipped on. The garage is massive with five stunning classic cars parked along side one another.  His smile connects with eyes and I feel as if I'm entering a new life, a new world. He opens my door and I spill out of it. Why am i so uncoordinated?

  " Love, next time you fall I'm wrapping you in bubble wrap,'' he laughs and I do to. The sound is heavenly,but it stops when his eyes become dark.

  " Why is your cheek swollen and red,'' he asks and I hold my hand onto it. I thought I'd be gone by now. 

  " Nothing Harry, please don't ask me,'' I say weak and almost begging. I see he's debating the situation and instead lifts me up. I squeal in his arms and his laughter is pure medicine.  Going inside is like taking a  trip down the rabbit hole as the hall seems never-ending. As my feet touch the floor I examine the room and see the windows line the walls. I can see all of the roaming fields and woodsy area of London. I don't know where I am,but it's a beautiful sight. The pieces of art that hang on the wall are amazing the same art I saw in the other room. 

SeventeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora