Chapter Four

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 When I wake up everything I messed up has been put away. My clothes are in the closet, the glass has been picked up, and my stuff are in their drawers. My head feels dizzy and I wonder how my mom is. Walking into the livingroom I notice that the house smells like vanilla. Mmm. 

 " Honey, you're going to be late,'' she says from behind. I turn to look and she looks beautiful as always. In a red maxi dress and red pumps. How is it through all of this crap she still manages to be beautiful.

 " I won't be that late and why do you look so amazing mom,'' I ask as I can't believe I'm looking at her.

 '' I have a job interview today and I need to look my best. Now go get dress and off to school young lady and I almost forgot your teacher called a Mr.Styles I presume,'' she says and my eyes widen.

 " What did he want,'' I ask more curious.

 " He just wanted to say for two days being at Chaple you're doing professional work. Keep doing what you're doing honey because he seems to really like you,'' she says and as I walk away I can't help.but feel enlighten. My mood is more brighter. 

 Getting dress is simple and when I swing my bag around the contents fall all over the floor. I groan in annoyance and picking everything up I make sure not to forget another pencil. Mr.Style's pencil. When I look down my paper he gave me lays wrinkled and I look at it where his little cursive writing is. 

                             Ms. Cameron, 

         You're very intricate in your writing. For your first day here it's very amusing to see a                        young girl so influenced in the old arts. I'd like you to know you're writing is very clear and regards to life itself. Keep up with this kind of work in my class and you'll walk out with an A and more.

   I leave the paper on my drawer and smile down at it. English was and will always ever be my favorite subject after all. 


   Again slowly I'm drifting off in class. Every minute that passes I'm either waiting for lunch or English.  It's not far,but I feel bored.

  When the bell rings I'm more awakened then ever as I dash outside. My teacher is looking at me at me as if I'm a loony. I smile and down the stairs I go. When I reach the cafeteria I see Evan and he's smiling. I give a giggle and then blue eyes find mine. 

  " What kind of girl from Florida just up and leaves,'' his voice is bemused and bleak.

  Ty's tone is more sarcastic then understanding. I look towards him and then Evan who waits.

 " I just needed a fresh start and I'm glad. I'm getting more here then I would of in Florida now if you'll excuse me Evan's probably waiting for us.'' I say looking over his shoulder. 

 " Of course Evan hasn't stop babbling about you,but I'm wondering what he sees in you Ciara,'' he asks and I'm wondering where is his line of questioning going. 

  " I don't know and I don't care. All I see is a nice boy who wants to be friends and as his friend I'd appreciate it if you stop hazing me Ty,'' I ask quietly and his mood straightens out. Leaving he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.

  " It's not hazing darling, I just want to know about a girl who's come a long way to come to a simple town. And by all means I can see what he sees,but I wonder of those marks on your back,'' he says and when I turn to look at him he's all smirk and white teeth. I jerk my hand away and sneer at him. What the fuck? I walk away and sit next to Evan who seems all light and Ty sits across with his brooding matter. 

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