Chapter Eight

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   " You'll have a scratch,but be careful next time sweetheart,'' the nurse tells me. I look over and two other boys with two security guards are near my bed. It's Evan and Ty. I look over and I want to slap myself. 

  Ty looks horrible. A swollen lip, black-eye, and bruises around his cheeks. His blue eyes are squinted and I see that Evan is looking at him still angry. His eyes look back to me and with eyes soft mouths " sorry". I nod my head and see that Ty got the worst of it. Evan I can see is scraped and has bruised knuckles and a cut above his eye. He knew how to fight and I'm actually glad he didn't find Ty when he was doing what he did. I look back at the nurse and she presses a bandage to my head. I want to cry I've already made a mess of things at Holmes Chaple. Can I just leave?

  The security grab Ty and Evan and they leave out the door. With my head down I know Evan is looking back at me,but I'm scared to look. This is not fair, this is why no one should care about me. I only cause trouble.  When she lets me go I can not feel myself and I rush out the doors of Chaple. I don't want to be here. I go around to the side of the massive building. The scene in my head is something I want to loose.  The buzzing of my phone disconnects me from my thoughts and the phone shines with my mom's phone number. 

   " Sweeheart what's going on. Mr.Styles said you aren't in class,'' she asks worry and I start to shake my head. I want to disappear.

  " Too much mom. Just too much and don't answer Mr.Styles when he calls,'' I respond almost with tears cracking my voice. How is it I'm a wreaking ball ready to destroy anything in my wake.

  " Honey, I'm coming to get you where are you,'' she cries and I shake my head. 

  " Nowhere mom,'' and I hang up. I know I'll be yelled at for saying it, but right now time isn't my friend.

  Today actually looks decent. Clouds in the sky with the sun playing peek-a-boo. Sitting  down I start to draw circles in the dirt and I shake my head. Life doesn't like me. From behind I hear footsteps and I don't even have the strength to look over. 

  " Why do you bother,'' I ask not looking up

  " How is it everytime I try to help I'm the one pushed away,'' he says and Mr.Style's is eyes are fixed on me.  I look up finally and I can't help,but feel myself being suffocated. I shake my head and try to wave him away.

  " Don't you have a class you should be teaching,'' I ask and I know I'm being an ass now.

  " Shouldn't you be in that same class seeing how your friend isn't there either,'' he remarks and immediately I turn my head. Evan's not in class and he came out for that reason. 

  " What does it make you angry that I'm out here when I should be in there,'' I'm being an ass. My remarks are sarcastic and pitiful. My tears are almost like a drug and for some reason I hope they take me down with them. I look back up to see his brow is raised and I start to laugh.

  '' I wouldn't test me Ms.Cameron. Now I will either see you inside or I'll come and get you,'' he says and walks away. For some reason his face was blank and serious. Like he really means it.  I don't see it happening so I stay put. I stick my finger in the air and that's the last thing I remember before I fall asleep sitting down. It's so peaceful when your eyes are closed.


 " Ciara I gave you an option and you chose to defy me. You're different,'' I hear the low voice say and I shake my head. He brought me back to his classroom. What in the hell is he trying to prove.

  " You actually picked me up and walked those stairs with me in your arms. Do you not know how bad that looks,'' I ask astonishingly and his expression hasn't even tried to change. Blank and he's biting the inside of his cheek.

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