Chapter Fifteen

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      His head rests in the nape of my neck and I feel like I'm lost. Everything from my body, my state of mind and my sanity feel good as I feel his chest go up and down. I feel perfect with him,but I know something about this what we are will come crashing down on us sooner or later.

    " You don't know how long I've wanted to feel the way I do right now,'' he whispers in my ear and I start to smile,but then the letter and his sad nights on the piano settle into my mind. His words have more meaning and I want to question,but I love this peaceful state.

   " Harry I have to go home now,''  I say realizing my mom will surely worry and when I get home I'm in for a inquisition and I quickly push him off. He sits like a sad child as he pouts and I fix myself and look at the clock we dozed off and it's now 5:30 I'm so dead.  He quickly shifts and places his shirt on and I want to pout with him as his ink disappears. He tosses his hair back and I can't help,but stare and his wicked smile slides over.

     ' Stop staring Ciara,'' he murmurs while buttoning.

  " Let's go I have to also get home,'' he inquires and grabs my hand. He unlocks the door and looks around making sure that none of the other teachers are here. He looks out the window and his is the last car in the parking lot besides a silver one and for some reason I feel like I've seen it before. We head downstairs and out the doors and the car sits cold and untouched. I do miss the Florida heat so much,but the heat I feel right now with him is the best kind I've ever felt. I look up at him and for the first time since I've met him he actually looks content and okay. 

    " Harry can I ask you something,'' I start not wanting the quiet take over us. He nods,but I'm scared if he will or will not.

   " You always mention I remind you of her. Who is her,'' I question and I know I should of asked later as I see his breath hitch and his knuckles grasp the steer-wheel more. I see his adams apple move. He's nervous.

   " You don't need to know about her, now don't ask about her again please,'' he's pleading. I nod and look foreword. I'm really wondering and I want to know,but the way he said it makes me me feel that I'll fall really hard if I end up asking again. Nearing to my home he stops at the corner and I move to get out,but he locks the door. The whole ride was quiet because I decided to ask a simple question and I look towards him his eyes sad and worry.

   " What are you doing tonight,'' his voice is so light. He's worried I hear it.

   " I don't know I was just going to do homework,'' I say serious not having made friends other then Evan who I don't know where I'm at with and my mom who will have my head right now so I honestly don't know.

   " Be ready by seven like last time. I have something to discuss with you,'' he implies and now I'm skeptic. Discussion over what, what I just said or about us. I'm anxious and know I'm going to have to lie again.  He unlocks the door and places a kiss to my forehead. As he drives away my mind goes back and forth from his mood-swings. From demanding Harry, to sensitive Harry, to broken Harry, to everchanging Harry I can't keep up with who this man is. I know who I am and who I once was,but for some reason I'm left wondering if Harry knows who he really is.  Walking around the corner I see my mom pacing back and forth yelling into the phone and when she spots me she shuts it and scowls at me. Fuck me.


    " I told you right after school it's nearly six where have you been,'' she scolds me and I pass  her heading into the house. I know why she's mad,but she shouldn't be this intense. I was still at school and then my conscious gets funny adding " You weren't do homework". I chuckle at myself,but when I set my bag on the couch and look over at mom she's pissed. 

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