Chapter Eighteen

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  The mumbling of voices draws me out of my serene darkness and as my eyes adjust to the brightness the tall figure with two green eyes are glaring at me. They're darker than before.

   " Why didn't you tell me,'' his voice chocks back as I stare down. I have no words for my stupidity.

   " Ciara, answer me,'' he demands and I look up. His dark eyes and the way he's gripping the sheets make me know he's angry. 

   " I... he threaten to ummm... ruin you and me, Harry,'' I murmur and I hate the feeling of being overpowered by an asshole. Just like Shawn. He sits beside me and laces his fingers with mine.

    " What did he say he'd ruin,'' his voice is amused and I'm wondering why.

    " He said he'd tell Evan, my mom, and he'd get you fired. He'd tell them all,'' I sadly disclose,but instead of a horrified look I get an amused eye glare and a chuckle.

    " Why are you laughing? He would of torn both of us Harry,'' I say sternly getting a bit irritated by the weird behavior. One second he's angry now he's chuckling over almost being fired. He gets up from the bed and starts to pace back and forth and the mumbling I heard has disappeared. He stops in the center of the room and stares at me. Another chuckle is all I hear before he latches his lips to mine. His mouth is so addicting everytime it touches I feel the whole world disappear and when his tongue slides in it's a tantalizing feeling. My tears are unknowingly seeping into our kiss and I know Ty's sour mouth has been washed away by Harry's lushes lips. 

    He pulls away and pants.

   " He would of ruined you. It would of been my fault,'' I say whimpering,but he grabs my chin before I can look down and cry more.

    " Stop that don't blame yourself. Don't blame that I fell for you Ciara,'' he silently says and when I look up he looks tense and almost scared.

   " I should of told you before, but that boy would of never gotten the chance. Every negative comment or allegation goes through the dean, then to the school board. I'm the school board Ciara. I own Holmes Chaple. I could expel him for all I care. His rich parents can buy him everything,but mine can take all his shit away,'' he discloses. My mind is now awake and shouting what the fuck at me!

  ",you own Holmes Chaple. How,'' is my only response to his revelation. He grabs my hands and my veins cry with need.

   " Ciara, I don't want to get into it. All I want is to disclose the fact that you're here with me safe,'' his low voice says while looking down. His voice tantalizing every fiber or my being. 

   " Harry what did you do to Ty,'' I ask knowing I'm only asking for his sake. He chuckles low in his throat and when he looks up the dark I saw in his eyes has faded blossoming their bright green glow. 

    " He won't bother you again. I promise, now from the look of it you you, haven't eaten. Come will eat lunch and I'll take you home,'' he says and the mention of home reminds me I'm supposed to be spending time with mom and Ella. Shit!  I stay put as he walks put and the mumbling voices return and Harry's voice tells them to go speak in the study. I recognize Adam's voice,but there's a second I don't know. Quietly I get up and walk towards the bathroom, phone in hand.  I call my mom and tell her I went to school to get the homework I missed and that I'll be home soon. She tells me she's cooking my favorite and that Ella misses me and I shut the phone before I can cry. Another fucken lie. 

    When I look up my clothes are stained with green from the grass, my face looks depressing and my wrists are red. Ty was stronger than I thought and I wondered if Adam hadn't come or Harry wouldn't of tracked my phone would I had been again that little Ciara, the one who went nuts over a boy who didn't really love her. I look up and I see someone who's just been violated once again. I feel dirty and start to undress to get into the shower. From behind his hands settle on my shoulders.

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